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Magnus's POV

That was the first thing that I saw when I entered the room, and now my blood was boiling with anger

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That was the first thing that I saw when I entered the room, and now my blood was boiling with anger. I've never been more furious in my life, ever.

M: GET AWAY FROM HIM!- I scream, using my magic to freeze them both.

Katarina also helps me freeze them, puting them in a cage after. I open up a portal and send them to the guard, in a very secure cell. I contacted the inquisidor a few hours earlier and told him everything that happened, so she promised to put them in one of the most high tech secured cells.

Jc: Did you send them to the guard?- Jace looks at me.

M: Yes, and this time they're not getting out- I sigh.

I turn my head and look at Alexander, I go and bend down in front of him.

A: M-Magnus...y-you're here- he looks at me.

M: My poor baby, what have they done to you? Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out of here- I unchain him with my magic.

I grab his arm gently and pull him up, making him stand up. As soon as he's up though, he falls on his face. He's clearly to weak to even stand up, my poor boy. I kneel down and take his stele out of my pocket, activating some of his runes. Hopefully they'll help a little, at least to regain enough strength to get him out of here. I look at him and let a few tears fall, hating to see him in pain.

I: We have to get him back to the Institute, he's too injured!- Izzy looks at me.

C: Yeah, he needs professional help! I mean, look at his back!- Clarie steps forward.

S: That's like out of a horror movie! We need to get him to the infirmary immediately!- Simon's right, we need to get him back.

R: We need to be quick, his runes might help him regain enough strength to portal him back but that's all they're gonna do- Raphael looks at us.

I nod and pull Alexander up, putting his arm around my neck. Katarina opens up a portal and we go through it, appearing in the infirmary. We lay him down on one of the beds, making sure to lay him down on his stomach and that his broken arm was comfortable.

K: We'll start helping him with our magic but we need the nurses as well, so y'all go get them while we start- she stands next to the bed.

M: Yes, and please hurry- I stand on the other side of the bed.

We start healing him with our Magic, trying to close the wounds. He screams in pain and grabs the sides of the bed tightly, which is not good for his broken arm. But not even two minutes later, he faints. Of course I started to freak out immediately, but Katarina assures me that it's normal and it's for the best. Now that he's unconscious we can work our magic on him without causing him any pain, so when he wakes up he'll be healed already.

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