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Alec's POV

It's the next morning, and I feel very nervous. Not only because James wants to see me for God knows what reason, but because I also have a date with Magnus Bane. I'm going out with Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn!! How cool is that? Me, Alec Lightwood, am going out with Magnus.

This is the first time that someone has invited me to go out with them, and because they like me! I don't know if I'm ready for this, I feel scared. What if I mess up? What if he regrets it? What if something goes wrong? Oh lord, please let everything go well.

I get up very early at 8 am and I do my daily morning routine, wich basically consists on me taking a shower, brushing my teeth, style my hair and get dressed. Normally I would go and have breakfast at the dining room with my siblings, but since I don't want them asking any questions about where I'm going I decided to leave an hour early and not have breakfast at the Institute. I could just buy something after meeting up with James, and make up an excuse as to why I wasn't at breakfast today.

When I arrive at James's apartment building, I wait outside until it's 10 am. Then I go up to the fourth floor, I go to his apartment and ring the bell. Two minutes later I can hear his footsteps getting closer, and then he opens the door.

J: Great, you're here on time! Now come in, I need you to do something for me- he grabs my arm and pulls me inside before closing the door.

A: Yeah, good morning to you too- I say under my breath.

J: What was that? What did you say?- he looks at me suspiciously.

A: Nothing! I just said.... what do you need me to do?- I look down, it's a sign of submission.

J: I need you to clean my whole apartment and leave it shining, not even a tiny bit of dust can be seen- say what now?

A: Wait, is that really why you told me to come here at 10 am? To clean up your whole apartment?- do I look like a maid now or what?

J: Yes, why do you ask? Do you have a problem with that? I thought you liked cleaning up, don't you?- he starts to walk  towards me while I back up at the same time.

A: I...no, I just...nevermind. It's fine, I'll do it- I say that because he has me pressed against the door now, and trust me, not in the sexy way.

J: That's what I thought. Now get started, I need you to finish as soon as posible. I have an important meeting today, and you can't be here when that happens- like always.

I think I haven't mentioned this yet, but James works in a modeling agency. Or he says he does, I've never seen any of his meetings. He's not out to anyone yet, so he doesn't want anybody knowing that he has a boyfriend. That's why I'm not allowed to be near him when he has a meeting or is having a friend over, because supposedly I don't exist.

The only thing I know about his meetings is that they discus about the next theme for their photos, and then they choose good looking people who can pose for a photo. James is the one in charge of taking the photos, that's why he needs his place clean. The models come to his apartment, which is kind of odd if you ask me, and he takes pictures of them in different parts of the apartment.

The models he works with are usually hot guys, but he has worked with girls as well. What I don't understand is why he has to take the pictures in his apartment, I thought that they had a studio for that.

Anyway, I start cleaning before he gets mad. I start by dusting everything, then I pick up anything that was laying on the ground and place it where it belongs. Then I sweep every room, making sure I got everything under the beds as well. After that I mop the floor and clean the windows, then I clean the mirrors and do the dishes.

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