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Magnus's POV

We're sitting in a little bench near the Eiffel Tower while we eat our ice cream, and I'm crazy nervous.

Jc: Did you do it yet? How'd it go? Did he say yes?- he talks fast.

M: No, I haven't done it yet. I'm just waiting for him to finish his ice cream, I'll do it after that- I speak quietly.

Jc: Are you going to film it? Please take a lot of pictures, I wanna see!- he says excitedly.

M: Calm down, I'm already nervous enough- I sigh.

Jc: Don't be, Alec loves you. There's no way he's going to say no to you- he talks with confidence.

M: Okay, thanks for helping me plan all of this by the way- I smile.

Jc: Oh, no problem. I actually can't believe he bought my act, I might be dumb but I'm not rude. Anyway, I just want Alec to be happy, and you make him happy- that's cute.

M: Yeah, I just needed a reason for us to get out of there. Okay, I'm going to go now. He's almost done- I look at Alec.

Jc: Okay, good luck- he says happily.

M: Thanks, bye- I hang up the phone.

A: Who was that?- he looks at me

M: Just Jace- I put an arm around his shoulders.

A: What did he want?- he lays his head on my shoulder.

M: Nothing, he just wanted to know where we were- I smile.

A: Okay- he closes his eyes, enjoying the sun.

M: Hey, are you done with your ice cream?- I look at his almost empty cup.

A: Yeah, I'm done- he drinks the last little bit of melted ice cream.

M: Okay, come with me- I grab his hand and make him stand up.

A: Where are we going?- he throws the cup in a trash can.

I snap my fingers and suddenly we're on the very top of the Eiffel Tower, above the city of love. The view was just amazing, but all I could think about was the man standing in front of me. I look at him and smile, he truly is the love of my life. I can feel the little box inside of my pocket, and I'm so scared.

A: Wow, this is beautiful- he looks at the City.

M: Yeah, it is- but I was looking at him

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M: Yeah, it is- but I was looking at him.

I grab his chin and turn his head, making him look at me. He looks at me, a puzzled expression on his face. I sigh heavily and grab his hips, trying my best to calm down.

A: Magnus? What is it? You're scaring me- he asks worriedly.

I look up, praying to the Angels that everything goes right and then I look at him again. I step back and I grab his hands, ready to tell him how much I love him.

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