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Alec's POV

Ouch, my head...it hurts. Ow, I feel sick. What the actual hell happened last night? The last thing I remember is making out with Magnus and then drinking a shot of vodka, but from then on everything is a blur. I can kinda remember dancing with Magnus, and if my memory doesn't fail me, I think we portaled back to the apartment as well. After that I have no clue what happened though, I don't even remember falling asleep. I don't even remember getting to the bed, which now that I think about, it doesn't really feel like my bed.

I slowly start opening my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light shining in my eyes. When I finally adjust to the sunlight, I look around the room trying to identify where I am. I thought for a second that I could be in the guests bedroom, but when I take a good look at the room I realize that I have no idea where I am. I sit up on the bed and look around again, only to confirm that I'm in a complete stranger's bedroom. This is definitely not the the Institute, and I'm sure that it's not the apartment building either.

This room is small, it only has one door and a small window. The room is almost empty, the only objects in here are the bed I'm currently sitting on and a chair. The roof is white and the walls are gray, but it looks like the paint is falling of. The floor is just concrete, but it has a lot of suspicious stains. It looks like there's dried blood on the floor, and there seems to be another wired white substance on the floor. I don't know what it is, but I think that it could be...oh Jesus! Gross! That is so disgusting!

I decide to get up and find out where I am and how I got here, but when I try to move my arms I feel a weight on my wrists. I look down, and I realize that I'm chained up to the headboard. I try to break the chains but I'm too weak, and the chains are too strong. I look down, and I see that I'm still fully clothed with yesterday's clothes, but I also have a chain around my waist which is wrapped around the bed. What the actual fuck is going on? Where am I? Why am I chained up? Is this some sort of twisted prank, or did someone kidnap me?

A: Hello? Is someone there?- I call out.

Nothing happens.

A: HELLO!! IS SOMEONE THERE?- I call out again, a bit louder this time.

I hear footsteps, they're getting closer. Suddenly the door opens, and a guy that I've never met before enters the room. He has brown messy hair, brown eyes, he's tall, he looks strong and he has a serious face expression. I feel like I know him though, like I've seen him before. I try to remember, but my head hurts.

?: Oh good, you're awake. I brought you a pill and some water. Drink it, it'll make your headache go away- he hands me a glass of water and a pill.

I take the pill and the glass, but I don't drink the water. It looks like normal water, but the last time that I drank an unknown beverage, I ended up here. I analyse the glass, I look inside and through it. I also smell it, trying to find something out of the ordinary.

?: Oh please, just drink it already. I swear it doesn't have anything in it, it's completely normal water- he rolls his eyes.

A: How do I know that you're not lying? How can I trust you?- I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

?: Listen, I get that it's hard for you to believe me since I put a drug in those shots I gave you last night. But I swear that this time it's pure water- he makes a peace sign.

A: Wait, you're the one who bought us those drinks? What did you put in them?- I say angrily.

That's why I felt like I've seen him before, he was the guy from last night! He's the one who bought us those shots, and he drugged us.

?: Oh, just a simple sleeping elixir that was given to me by a warlock who also works for my boss- he says that calmly.

A: Who's your boss? Who are you working for? And why do they want me?- I feel stupid asking those questions cuz I know he's not going to tell me.

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