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Izzy's POV

We arrive to the Institute after a mission, we're all tired and covered in demon ichore. Clarie and Jace go in first, then Alec and I follow behind. I notice that Alec stops to answer his phone, and even though I shouldn't, I stop to listen to what he's saying.

A: Hey James, what's up?- he says with fake excitement in his voice.

A: I'm sorry, I was just really busy- his voice is soft.

A: Nothing, I'm sorry! My phone was just in silence, I'm sorry J- he sounded scared.

A: Yes yes, I promise! I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I swear!- do what again?

A: Yes, I'll be there- be where?

When he ends the call I approach him, curious to know what that call was about. I wonder who he was talking to.

I: Hey big brother, is everything alright?- I ask grabbing his arm.

A: Yeah, it's just James. I missed 12 of his calls while we were fighting those demons. Nothing huge though- he says shaking his head.

I: Ugh, I really don't get why you're still with him. I mean, he treats you like shit but you stay with him for some odd reason- I say annoyed. I hate that mundane.

A: Because he loves me, it may not seem like it to you but he does. He just has his own way of showing it, that's it- Oh yeah, as if.

I: Sure, if that's love then I'm an Angel- I say rolling my eyes.

A: Whatever, you just don't get it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I wanna go get a shower- after that he just walks away.

I'm worried for him, I don't understand why Alec doesn't leave James even though he treats him like shit. I wish Alec could see the danger he's in by being in such a toxic relationship like that, he just doesn't seem to understand it.

Jc: Hey, is everything alright with Alec?- Jace worries for him too.

I:Ugh, you know. Typical situation with James- I say angrily.

Jc: Oh no, again? Well, I'll go check up on him, you go get some rest- he says patting my shoulder.

After that he walks away to the rooms. I sigh heavily and walk to my room to get myself cleaned. I have a warm shower and change into a more comfortable dress, and I put some flat boots on. After that I go to the center of the Institute to check up on some of the footage of the demon attacks, to see if there's anything we missed.

After a while Jace and Clarie join me, both of them looking more relaxed already. Clarie starts searching for more demon activity on the monitors, while Jace just looks at the wall, looking like he's thinking about something.

I: Hey, what's wrong?- I ask touching his arm.

Jc: Nothing, I'm just thinking about Alec. I don't how to help him, we need to make him realise how toxic his relationship is- he says sighing heavily.

I: I know, I wish there was something or someone that could make Alec see the danger he's in- I say sadly.

C: Hey guys! Sorry to interrupt but you gotta see this- Clarie says pointing at the screen.

The screen shows a video of what appears to be a demon possessing a warlock, and after the warlock is possessed he throws a spell at Sebastian, one of our best soldiers. Immediately after that, Sebastian collapses to the floor, completely unconscious.

Jc: By the Angel, is he okay? Where is he?- he asks looking around.

C: Well, the report says that he was brought back to the Institute about 10 minutes ago. He should be in the infirmary right now- she says looking at us.

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