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Magnus's POV

Oh God, I really hope he says yes, I could get a chance with him if he's single.

A: I...I uh...I'm actually.... well...it's, complicated- oh no, he's taken.

M: Oh? So...does that mean that you're in a relationship?- I mean, just to confirm.

A: Well...yeah. But I don't want to be! I mean, not with him at least- he looked so sad when he said this, why?

M: Why? Don't you love him?- I'm genuinely curious.

A: No. I thought I did, but to be honest I don't even really know what love feels like- wow, he looks sad.

M: Why? Is this your first relationship?- that could be the reason.

A: Yes, but it's not just that. All my life, I have always been the back up, for everything. I sometimes feel like that's the only thing I'm good at, just being the back up- he has a depressed look on his face.

I don't say anything, it looks like he has more to say. So I just listen.

A: I'm the oldest, mom and dad didn't really want me you know? I was an accident, but then they decided that they wanted a girl, so Izzy was born. Then, wen I was 10, they adopted Jace. And I finally felt like I had someone to talk to, someone that could understand me. But when my parents named him the head soldier, he distanced himself. We didn't talk that much anymore, we didn't hang together anymore, we didn't even train together anymore. I always had Izzy, but she's a girl, and I'm not saying girls can't give good advice or anything, but it's always nice to have a guy who comprehends you. Then, my parents named Izzy the weapons master, and she distanced herself too. Then Clarie appeared, and she brought Simon along. Both Jace and Izzy got together with them, and I was happy for them, I'm still are. But that's what separated us, now the only times we're actually together is when we're on a mission or a family reunion- a single tear rolls down his cheek.

M: By the Angel Alexander, that's so sad- I reach my hand out to clean the tear of his cheek.

A: Yeah, but it gets worst. My parents named Jace the appointed head of the institute, and they named me a back up soldier. They literally named me a back up soldier! I was so sad, that I decided to go out to have a drink. But I didn't want them to find me, so I went to a mundane bar. That's where I met James, my current five months boyfriend. At first he was so nice, he was such a gentleman. But then, on the third month, he started acting so cold and rude towards me. Last month he confessed to me that he actually was with me just because his crush refused to date him. So again, I was just the back up- another tear rolls down his cheek.

M: Oh Alexander, come here- I then pull him to sit on my lap, giving him a much needed hug.

He immediately hugs me tighter, and that's when he breaks down. He puts his head on the space of my neck, letting the tears fall. I have my right arm wrapped around his waist tightly, while my left hand is caressing up and down his back softly.

M: Sh sh, it's okay Alexander. I'm here for you, sh sh- I try to calm him down, hearing him cry like that breaks my heart.

After a good 20 minutes of him crying and me holding him, he calms down. Now the crying has died and only soft sobs were coming out of his mouth, it's like he's been hiding all of his emotions for a long time and he's been needing to do that for a while now.

A: I-I'm s-sorry- he says lifting his head just enough to look at me.

M: Why are you apologising?- I say putting a hand on his cheek.

A: Your shirt...it's all wet now- he says pouting, looking way to adorable.

M: Oh Alexander, don't worry about that. I can just change it with my magic, see?- I then make a new shirt magically appear.

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