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Magnus's POV

Ugh, what the hell happened last night? My head is pounding like crazy, I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I have never felt worse in my entire life, not even when I got the warlock flu I felt this bad. I am currently laying on my bed, still fully clothed. I'm still wearing yesterday's clothes, which probably means that I fell asleep without noticing.

I reach my hand out, trying to find my boyfriend. But I don't feel him next to me, so I slowly open my eyes and turn my head. His place is empty, but it's still warm. That must mean that he got up to go the bathroom, or that he went to the kitchen to get some water. I get up and head to the bathroom, checking myself in the mirror first. I look like a hot mess, so I snap my fingers to change into something more comfortable. I would've taken a shower but I really didn't feel like it, so I just changed my clothes.

I enter the bathroom, but find it empty. So I head to the living room, finding a very funny image. Jace was sleeping on one of the couches, with a feet on the coffee table and drool rolling down his cheek. Simon was laying upside down on the other couch, both of his feet hanging from the backrest of the couch and his mouth open while he snorted like a pig. I couldn't spot Clarie or Isabelle, so I'm guessing that they're sleeping in the guests bedroom.

I enter the kitchen, but to my surprise Alexander is not there either. So I enter the guests bedroom, where Clarie and Izzy are sleeping next to each other. I check the bathroom in there, but Alexander is not there. That's when I started freaking out, he was nowhere to be found. I checked the whole apartment, including closets and cabinets. He was gone, and I didn't know where he was. I grab my phone and try calling him, but I hear his ringtone in our room. Turns out that he left his phone under his pillow.

I go back to the living room and look around one more time before deciding on waking Jace up, which was kinda difficult.

M: Jace, Jace! Wake up! Common Jace, wake up!- I say while I shake him violently.

Jc: No, what? Why are you screaming?- he growls and covers his head with a pillow.

M: WAKE UP!- I grab the pillow and smack his head as strong as I can.

Jc: OKAY! Okay, I'm up! Jeez- he sits up in the couch and looks at me with hate.

S: What is going on? Why are y'all screaming so loudly?- Simon also sits up.

M: Alexander is gone! I already checked the whole apartment and he's nowhere to be found, I also tried calling him but he left his phone here- I speak quickly, almost panicking.

Jc: So? What's the problem? He probably just went back to the Institute, or he went grocery shopping- he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

M: Are you kidding me? Last night he got completely wasted, and I'm pretty sure that he would be having the hungover of his life right now. So I doubt that he went back to the Institute by himself without his phone, and I also doubt that he went grocery shopping at 6 am!- I scream, in a complete panic mode now.

S: Wait, it's six am? That's when the sunrise happens, I love to watch it with Izzy. Maybe he went to the roof to watch the sunrise, did you check up there?- he points upwards.

M: No, I didn't think of that. I'll go check right now!- I run out of the apartment through the fire escape.

When I reach the roof, I look around trying to find Alexander. But he's not there either, the only thing that I find is a cold and empty roof. At this point is when I started having a full on panic attack, immediately thinking of the worst scenarios ever. But I manage to compose myself enough to go back down and inform everyone else that my boyfriend, was indeed missing. I have no idea where he might be, he could have left on his own or someone could've kidnapped him.

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