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*Warning! This chapter contains strong language*

Alec's POV

I'm starving. It's been 6 hours since I woke up and I still haven't eaten anything, but I just couldn't eat that disgusting pizza. I guess it's my own fault that I'm hungry, just because I refused to disobey Magnus. But man, how I wish that I had eaten that pizza.

I'm currently sitting on the floor, doing nothing more than crying and think about how the world hates me so much. The James guy hasn't come back to the room, and I'm not sure whether I feel relieved or disappointed. Relieved because I don't know him and I'm scared of him, but disappointed because I feel lonely and I'm bored. I also feel like I could dehydrate soon, but I don't want to drink the soda. That doesn't make your thirst go away, it only makes your tongue tingle because of the gas.

I hear someone talking outside the door, I hear two voices. One of them is James's voice, the other one sounds like a woman. I don't recognize the female voice, but it's quite high. Then, they enter the room. First James comes in, holding a small black suitcase. Then, a pretty woman enters the room. She's an average high, she's thin and she has long black hair. She's wearing a tight red dress and a pair of red high heels, bright red lipstick on her lips.

J: See? I told you I could do it!- he smiles proudly.

?: I knew you could, darling. But you have to admit that your new warewolf strength also helped you- she talks with such an elegance.

J: well, your right about that. So, let me introduce you. Alec, this is my lovely boss, Camille. My lady, this is Alec- he waives his hands dramatically.

A: Camille? I've never heard of you, who are you?- I look at her.

Ca: Hm, I'm the woman that Magnus once belonged to. I'm the woman who once loved him, and he loved back- she puts her hands on her hips.

A: So you're just a jealous crazy ex girlfriend who's still in love with Magnus? Is that what this is all about?- I laugh ironically.

Ca: Jealous ex girlfriend, yes. Crazy, never. But not, that's not what this is all about. Magnus not only dumped me, he also brutally murdered the man I loved. He became the High Warlock of Brooklyn and then he started dating the New Head of the New York Institute, all of that while I was suffering inside of a cell at the guard in Idris! So this, my dear, is my revenge- she points at me with anger.

J: We're gonna make him pay for what he did to Camille, and we'll make him suffer just as much- he smiles an evil smile.

A: No, I don't believe you. That doesn't sound like Magnus, he would never do something like that. He's not capable of hurting someone that bad without a good reason, you're lying- I frown.

Ca: Oh my dear, he's capable of a lot of things. The Magnus you know has changed a lot in the last few decades, but he's still capable of doing something like that. He did it with you!- she points at me.

A: What are you talking about? He hasn't done anything to hurt me, and he never would!- I refuse to believe he could.

J: Uh, he already did. You think you don't know me, but we used to be lovers. You and I were dating before he came into our lives and separated us. He broke us off because he wanted you for himself, he was jealous of me- what the hell?

A: What? That doesn't make any sense! I've never seen you before!- this guy is crazy!

Ca: But you have! You just don't remember him, and guess who's fault is that. You loved James so much, and Magnus couldn't stand that. He wanted you for himself, he wanted you to love him instead. So, he wiped all of your memories of James away. He took every single happy memory that you had of James and he burned them forever, making you forget about the love of your life- no way!

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