3- Sweet

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Magnus's POV

Ugh, another lonely and boring day. How long has it been? Eight...nine decades?...wow. It's been more than a century since I had a relationship, or any kind of love interaction at all.

I guess I just haven't found the right person, or anyone good enough for me. I have had some adventures in the last 8 decades, like some one night stands and a few random hook ups. But I haven't found that one person that can make my heart beat faster, or make me unable to breath.

Anyway, I got up from my bed to take a shower, using my special shampoo that I brew myself. Its a special blend of Indian sandalwood that I started mixing back in the eighteen century, I really like it, it smells so good. I could just magically wash my hair, but I really enjoy taking showers.

After I'm done with my relaxing shower, I get dressed and go make myself some Irish coffee. I also make myself some breakfast, wich consist of some scrambled eggs with bacon. And again, I could just conjure some delicious food, but I just enjoy doing the simple things in life myself.

After I'm done eating breakfast, I check up on some messages from my fellow warlocks and some from the Spiral Labyrinth. Turns out that I have a meeting with The Spiral Labyrinth, so I get ready and portal myself to the meeting. That actually took longer than I expected, all of my morning and a little bit of my evening.

But when I was finally done I went back home to relax for the rest of the day, or so I thought. I suddenly got a call from someone, so I got my phone out and answered without checking the caller ID.

M: Hello?- I say with my professional voice.

I: Hey Magnus, it's me, Isabelle Lightwood- oh, I love Isabelle!

M: Oh, Isabelle! It's nice to talk you again! What can I help you with?- whatever it is she needs, I'll help.

I: Well, there was a demon attack a few blocks away from the Institute, and apparently a demon possessed a warlock who threw a sleeping spell at one of our soldiers. And, we need a warlock to undo the spell- of course, only a warlock can undo another warlock's spell.

M: And you decided to call The High Warlock of Brooklyn, knowing that I'm the most powerful warlock there is. Am I right?- I say smirking.

I: Yes, you're right, but don't let it get to your head. Can you come right now?- A little to late for that, hehe just kidding.

M: Haha, don't worry about that. And yes, I'll be right there- I say nicely.

I: Okay, thanks! We'll be waiting- and then she hangs up.

After that I get ready and make a portal to the Institute, I have been there before so it's simple. I go through the portal, and I immediately appear in the center of the Institute. I look around, and as soon as I spot Isabelle, I approach her with a smile.

I: Well, someone's looking good!- she says smiling.

M: Well, I like to look presentable when I'm working- that is a true fact.

Just then I see Jace and Clarie getting out of the infirmary and approach us, looking at me and waiving hello.

M: Okay, I can wake your friend up, but I need the Book of the White. There's a spell in there that I need in order to break the sleeping spell, and acording to my memories you have it here. Don't you?- I say looking at Jace with a raised eyebrow.

Jc: Yes, I'll go get it- he says walking away.

M: Oh, I almost forgot! I'll also need a little bit of help from a Shadowhunter- how could I almost forget that?

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