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Alec's POV

I wake up feeling so much better, almost completely healed. I turn my head and see that Magnus is gone, he probably went to the bathroom. I slowly get up and start undressing myself, leaving just the underwear on. I head to the bathroom, and I find Magnus there, staring at himself in the mirror.

A: Too pretty for your own good?- I joke.

M: Ha-ha, very funny- he makes a serious face before laughing.

I laugh too and go up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my chest to his back. I'm a bit taller than him, but I'm also a bit thinner.

A: I want to shower before we go out with my mom, I'd like to look presentable- I say letting go of him.

M: Are you inviting me to shower with you, or are you telling me to get out of the bathroom?- he says with a smirk.

A: I'm telling you to get out of the bathroom, I want to shower alone- I laugh a little and push him towards the door.

M: Aw, you're no fun!- he pouts adorably.

A: I'm sorry, but I'm not ready for you to see me naked- I blush.

M: I understand, I'll wait as long as you need. I already showered so, I'll wait for you in the living room- he says getting out of the bathroom.

A: Alright, I'll be quick- I say closing the door.

I take a quick shower using the special shampoo that Magnus has, and using a vanilla scented soap. I get out and start dressing myself with my daily outfit, puting some perfume at the end. I go to the living room where Magnus is sitting, and call my mom to ask her where we should meet. After she tells me where she is, Magnus and I portal to the coffee shop she's in. When I spot my mom on a table in the corner of the coffee shop, I take Magnus's hand and we approach the table.

Ma: My boys! It's so good to see you again- she gets up and hugs us both.

A: Hi mom, it's good to see you too- I kiss her cheek and sit down next to Magnus.

Ma: Well, I'm sure you came more for the announcement than for the waffles- she laughs and sits in front of us.

M: Oh, but we wanted to chat with you as well. As you said, rebuilding the relationship you and Alec once had is something that has to be done- he smiles warmly.

A: You really want to rebuild our relationship?- I look at her hopeful.

Ma: Of course I do! You're my son, and I love you so much-  she grabs my hand over the table.

A: I love you too mom- I squeeze her hand.

Just then the waiter comes and we order some coffee and some waffles, which are not near as good as the Belgium waffles that Magnus gave me. But anyway, we chat while we wait for our breakfast to arrive. And when it finally arrives, we start eating quickly. I guess we all were hungry, hehe.

Ma: Okay, now that we have finished I'd like to tell you the news- she smiles widely.

A: Okay, well...what is it?- I ask impatiently.

Ma: I am officially naming you, the new Head of the New York Institute!- she smiles.

I look at her in shock, not knowing how to react. Did I hear wrong, or did she really just say that she's giving me the position that I've always wanted?

M: Alexander? Aren't you happy? I thought that's what you've always wanted, isn't it?- he asks confused.

A: I...this is...a-are you, for real?- I look at my mom, still in shock.

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