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Narrator's POV

*Smut warninng*
Contains mature language.

As soon as they were in the apartment, Magnus pushed Alec against the wall and started kissing him hungrily while his hands went to squeeze his ass cheeks. Alec opened his mouth and moaned in surprise, allowing Magnus's tongue to enter and explore everything it could. Alec desperately started to take Magnus's shirt of, and Magnus proceeded to do the same with Alec right after. He tried to take Alec's jeans of, but since they were so tight he just magically made their clothes disappear, leaving them only in their underwear.

A: Bedroom, now- he moaned breathless.

M: Are you sure? I don't want to rush you into anything, if you're not ready, we can wait- he says, even though he was desperate to take Alec right there and then.

A: I'm sure, I'm ready for you- he grabs Magnus's hand and walks to the bedroom.

When they enter the bedroom, Alec closes the door and pushes Magnus down onto the bed. He then sits on top of him and starts rocking his hips back and forth, creating a delicious friction between them. They both moan, and Magnus brings his hand to squeeze Alec's ass, helping him with the movement. Alec leans down and starts kissing his boyfriend's neck, leaving some hickeys.

M: A-Alexander, p-please- he moans.

Alec then starts kissing him down his chest, then his legs, and then he comes back up. Then he slowly starts to take Magnus's underwear off, leaving him completely exposed. Alec starts licking everywhere and everything, looking directly at Magnus. 

Then, with a suden movement Magnus had turned them around so that Alec was lying on his back. He starts kissing him all the way down, from his neck to his ankles. He slowly starts to take his underwear off, licking and sucking everywhere. After a couple of minutes, Magnus stops kissing Alec's tights and looks at him.

M: Are you ready baby?- he asks sweetly.

A: I...yeah, I think so- he blushes.

M: You think so? If you're not sure then, we can wait. We don't have to do anything if you're not ready, I want you to be sure- he grabs his hips, squeezing them slightly.

A: No, I am. I want this, it's just that...I'm scared. I've never done this before so, I don't how to act. And, does it hurt?- he asks hesitantly.

M: Well, yeah. It will feel a little uncomfortable at first, but it gets better afterwards. And don't worry about how to act, just...let me guide you- he says getting a little bottle of lube out of the bedside table.

A: Okay, I trust you- he looks at him with confidence.

Magnus starts preparing Alec, going at a very slow pace. Alec makes a face of discomfort, and whines a little. Then, Magnus starts kissing his neck to try to relax him. After a couple of minutes, Alec stops him. 

A: M-Magnus, I'm r-ready- he breathes out.

M: Tell me if you want me to stop- he starts to go in.

A: No, it just...hurts- he whines a little.

M: I know, but it will get better real soon, I promise- he starts kissing his neck.


Magnus gets up and grabs a blanket, then he goes back to the bed and covers Alec up. Then he lays next to him and pulls him closer, cuddling him from behind. Alec snuggles closer to Magnus, pressing his back to Magnus's chest.

M: Are you okay? Was that good?- he rubs Alec's arms gently.

A: Are you kidding me? That was amazing! It felt so good, I loved it- he smiles.

M: Good, because we'll be doing more of that- he laughs and kisses the back of his neck.

A: Okay, I'd like that- he laughs as well.

M: Alexander, I...I love you- he says sweetly.

A: R-really? You...love me?- he asks surprised, turning his head to look at him.

M: Of course I love you! You are perfect, you're my everything- he looks at him and smiles.

A: Oh, well...I love you too. I love you very much- he smiles and kisses Magnus, who kisses back immediately.

M: Why do you love me though? I'm a half demon half human guy, you're a Shadowhunter- he asks confused.

A: And I'm a coward and a weak Shadowhunter, why do you love me?- he turns his head to look at him.

M: You're not a coward, you're brave. You go out there everyday to fight demons, you kill them and then you go back home to clean the ichore like you don't care. You stayed with James after everything he did to you, and then you broke up with him. You are very brave Alexander- he kisses Alec's cheek.

A: Am I not weak?- he asks curiously.

M: You are the strongest guy I know, both physically and emotionally. You don't need any runes to be strong, they just make you stronger. You kept all of your emotions inside of you for a very long time, you didn't tell anyone how you were feeling. That is being strong, keeping your emotions and your thoughts to yourself- he caresses Alec's cheek.

A: That's so sweet, thank you for telling me that. I never thought of it that way, but I guess you're kinda right- he smiles.

M: Now you tell me, why do you love me?- he raises an eyebrow.

A: I don't care what type of blood you have, I'm not like my mom. I fell in love with you because you're wise, and you're generous, and you're brave and you're incredible. When you enter a room, there's a spark in you that lights everything and everyone around you- he blushes slightly.

M: Alexander...wow. That is so lovely, no one has ever said something like that to me. I love you so dam much, you have no idea- he kisses him passionately.

A: I love you too- he kisses him back.

At that moment, nothing else mattered. It was just them, in that bed, in that apartment. It was their moment, their love was being showed between them. For the first time ever, they were experiencing true love. Even if they had some lovers in the past, this was different. They were feeling something new, something completely unique. Alec let a couple of tears fall, but Magnus knew that they were happy tears. For the first time in a long time, he felt loved. And Alec knew that with Magnus, he was going to feel like that like for the rest of his life.

And at that very moment, everything seemed perfect. Nothing, or no one, could ruin their perfect lives. Their love, was the only thing that was important to them. With that thought in mind, they both sank into a deep sleep. After Magnus snapped his fingers and clean them, and their mess of course. Everything was perfect between them, and with everyone else outside of their bubble as well.

What could go wrong now?

Hey! Chapter seventeen is done, I'm sorry it took so long. I'm sorry if it's shitty, I'm not good at smut at all. Hope you enjoy it!

Love, Neve❤️

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