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Alec's POV

Sixty two.

He has lashed me with that whip sixty two times, and I just can't feel anything anymore. It's only been 16 hours since I got captured, but it feels like forever.

James has come into the room two more times, he lashed me and then just left. My arm is still broken, and they haven't done anything to fix it. They didn't let me use my stele, and they didn't even bother to clean the blood of my back. I'm currently only wearing boxers, I have no clue how that happened and honestly I don't care. I also haven't eaten anything except for that apple, and I have only drank that single bottle of water.

I'm currently laying down on the bed on my stomach, crying my eyes out. I know that I shouldn't be crying because that just makes me look weak, and even if I am I shouldn't show it. But I'm not that strong, at least not on the inside. I might be strong physically, but emotionally I'm a sensitive baby. And right now I feel so lonely and worthless, I just wish that Magnus was here with me. Even though I'm still not sure if what Camille said about him it's true or not, I still wish he was here to hold me.

I look around, trying to find something interesting to focus on. But this room really is very small and boring, and a little depressing actually.

All I can do is lay down and wait for the next wave of lashes to come, which I know it must be soon since the last time James came into the room was six hours ago

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All I can do is lay down and wait for the next wave of lashes to come, which I know it must be soon since the last time James came into the room was six hours ago. Yeah, I've been counting. My still broken arm is now numb, I only feel pain if I touch it. And my back still burns like hell, but if I don't think about it the pain decreases a little. He hasn't tried to rape me again, but he said that he was going to have fun with me later tonight. I don't know what he has in mind, but I'm terrified.

J: Hi baby girl, I'm back. Did you miss me? I bet you did- he enters the room, holding the dam whip.

A: Please...no more- I whisper. I'm too weak.

J: I'm sorry darling, but if I don't do it Camille might do it to me- he grabs my arm and pulls me up, making me stand up.

He puts me against the wall and chains my wrists above my head, just like he's been doing all day. He rubs my back a little, making me shut my eyes and bite my lip really hard. He then steps back and starts with the first lash, making me scream in pain. I can feel my voice start to disappear due to all the screaming, but it's not like I can help it. I can't look at my back because...well, who can look at their own back? But I bet that it looks terrible, cuz it definitely feels terrible.

J: Don't worry sweetie, we're half way there- he laughs and lashes me again.

I just cry, being to weak to even react. After he's done lashing me, I have 20 more fresh lashes on my back. 82 in total, in just 16 hours.

J: Okay, we're done- he unchains my wrists and throws me to the bed.

Ca: Are my two boys playing nice?- she enters the room.

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