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Alec's POV

Where am I? Why is it so dark? I can't see anything.

?: There you are, I was looking for you- that voice! It's so...magical.

A: Who said that? Who's there?- I'm scared.

?: It's me baby, your one true love- He's getting closer.

A: James? Is that you?- who else could it be?

?: No my love, James doesn't love you. But I do, I love you so much- then I feel his hand touch my face, it's so soft.

I lean into his touch, I don't know why but I like it. Then I suddenly feel a hand on my arm, it's hurting me.

J: You're mine! You're coming with me!- it's James, he pulls me away from the lovely man.

A: No! I don't wanna go with you, I wanna stay with him!- I point at the man.

J: I don't care! You're coming with me wether you like it or not!- he pulls me away, away from my one true love.

A: No! I don't want to go! I want to stay! Please! Help me! Please help me!- I say looking at the man.

?: Don't worry Alexander, I'm going to get you. Soon, we'll be together, I promise- I can't see his face, who is he?

Then I see him disappear, and I can feel James pulling my arm, dragging me with him. But I don't want to go with him, I want to stay with the man. I don't know who he is, but somehow I feel like I love him. Then, I hear a voice, a familiar voice.

?:Alec! Wake up!- what? I'm not sleeping.

?: Common Alec, we need you! Wake up!- I'm so confused now.

?: Alec! Wake up! ALEC!- I open my eyes quickly, sitting straight in my bed.

A: What the hell is your problem? Why did you scream in my ear like that? You scared the crap out of me!- I say annoyed looking at Jace, who is sitting next to me.

Jc: Sorry but you weren't waking up, and we need you for something in the center- what could they possibly need me for?

A: Ugh, do I have to go? I was sleeping!- I am so not okay with this.

Jc: Yes! You're the only virgin Shadowhunter we know so, get your ass moving- he stands up, ready to walk out.

A: Wait, what does that have to do with anything?- I am so confused.

Jc: Oh well, there's a spell that we need to undo. Magnus is helping us undo it, but he needs virgin Shadowhunter energy because the spell is too strong or whatever- Magnus...I know he's the High Warlock of Brooklyn, but I've never actually met him.

A: Really? Well...okay, I'll help. But only because you woke me up already, and I doubt I can go back to sleep now- I say remembering my dream.

I get up and put my daily clothes on, wich consist on a pair of black jeans, a blue denim button up shirt and a pair of black boots.

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