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Alec's POV

I wake up next to Magnus, curled up to his side with my head on his shoulder. We're laying on his bed, which I don't know how we got to. I must've fallen asleep last night while we were cuddling by the fire, and he must've brought me here. I don't even remember falling asleep, maybe because I was so happy to finally be his boyfriend that I couldn't think about anything else.

M: Good morning biscuit, how'd you sleep?- he looks down at me.

A: Better than ever, actually- I say smiling.

M: That's good, you were pretty tired last night- he says with a small laugh.

A: Yeah, about that. Did you bring me back here? Cuz I don't even remember falling asleep- I turn so that I'm on my side looking at him.

M: Of course I brought you here, I couldn't wake you up so I just carried you- he looks down at me.

A: Oh, well, thanks- I say while blushing.

M: Anytime biscuit- he kisses my cheek.

A: Okay, as much I'd like to stay here cuddling with you all day, I really have to pee. So could you please let go of me, I have to go to the bathroom- I say trying to wiggle out of his strong arms.

M: Mm, no. You're staying here with me- he hugs me tighter.

A: Magnus! I'm going to pee myself if you don't let go, I really have to go- I say with a laugh.

M: Well, I guess I'll just have to change the sheets, because I'm not letting you go- he laughs.

A: No! Just let me go pee! I'll be right back, I swear it'll just take a minute. Please Magnus, let me go- I say trying to push his arms away.

M: Ugh, fine! But you better get your ass back here before I magically chain you to my side- he lets go of me.

A: Haha, okay. Although I wouldn't really mind that- I wink at him before getting up.

I hear him laugh before I enter the bathroom, doing my business. I wash my hands and dry them, looking at myself in the mirror for a second. This is the first time in a long time that I've looked in the mirror and didn't see a zombie like face, this time it actually looks normal. Anyway, I get out of the bathroom and head back to the bed.

M: Yay, you're back. Come lay down with me again- he pats the space next to him.

A: It would be my pleasure- I say approaching the bed.

Before I can though, I'm suddenly feeling extremely dizzy. I feel my head spinning and my breath becoming heavy. I don't know what's happening, but I know that it's definitely not good.

M: Alexander? Are you okay?- I hear Magnus's voice, but it's distant.

A: I...I don't know, I can't...- I feel the whole room spinning.

M: Alexander? Alec!- that's the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

I think I just passed out.


Ugh, my head. It hurts, everything hurts. What happened? Why is it so cold? I'm laying in bed, with a fluffy blanket covering me. I can feel my body sweating, but I'm still freezing. Ugh, I feel nauseous.

M: Alec? Can you hear me?- Magnus, he's here.

I reach my hand out, trying to find Magnus's. I don't open my eyes yet, but I feel him grabbing my hand. It's so warm, and soft. I pull it closer, trying to feel the warmth in my face as well.

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