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Alec's POV

I go through the portal and I appear in the center of the Institute, then I go to the nearest wall and lean against it. I stand there for a minute, just touching my lips, which are still tingly, and remember everything that just happened. I smile to myself, feeling things that I've never felt before.

I: Alec! There you are! Where have you been? I've been looking for you- Izzy stands in front of me.

A: What do you care? It's not like it matters to you- I start to walk towards my room.

I: What? Alec wait! What happened with your wound? It's healed already!- oh! She noticed.

A: Yeah, but not thanks to you. Magnus healed it, since you didn't want to make me a new stele- I don't even look at her.

I: Magnus? Have you been with him this whole time?- she grabs my arm to stop me.

M: Yes, I was with Magnus! Happy now? Now if you'll excuse me I want to go to my room to rest, since I don't have a stele I can't activate my Stamina rune- I start to walk again.

I: Alec, wait! I'm so- I cut her off before she continues.

A: NO! You're not! If you really cared you would've helped me, but instead you left me alone to suffer! So don't you even dare say that you're sorry because you're not!- I'm so angry!

Jc: Hey! What's going on here?- Jace comes between us.

A: Why don't you ask Izzy?!- I point at her.

Jc: Izzy told me what happened between you and James, are you okay? Where's your wound?- oh great! There goes Izzy telling everyone!

A: I'm fine! Magnus healed my wound- I say looking at Izzy.

Jc: You were with Magnus?- nosy, are we?

A: Yes! I went to get dinner with him- an amazing dinner.

Jc: Like, as a date?- ugh, what does he care?!

A: Yes, I guess you could call it that- I cross my arms, I'm getting impatient.

I: So are you two dating now? Because I thought you were still with James- she says looking confused.

A: We're not dating! We just went to get dinner, no big deal! And even if I did start dating him, why would you care? It's not like you ever have time for me, or you don't even bother to ask about what's going on in my life!- I say looking at them.

I: We do care! We're always asking about how you and James are doing!- just that!

A: Yeah, but only that! That's all you care about! You don't even know how I feel, you have no clue about what's going on with my life!- all my problems, and they have no idea.

Jc: What are you talking about?- now he looks confused.

A: What am I talking about? I'm talking about the fact that you have drowned yourselves so deep into your own world, that you completely forgot about me! You have no idea how much I've suffered without you, how many nights I've cried my eyes out! It's not just James, it's everything! James treats me like shit, yes! But so do you! And our parents do as well! Mom literally named me a Backup Soldier, wich is so not fair because I'm the oldest one here! I should be the apointed head of the Institute, not you Jace! But mom always seemed to love you more, even though I'm her biological son. And dad hates me just because I'm gay, but dating a mundane just made it worse. And since you started dating Simon and Clarie, we barely even see each other!- at this point, tears are streaming down my face.

I finally explode. After holding back my emotions for so long, I finally let everything come out. And it feels so good to say everything that's been trapped in my mind for so long, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted of my shoulders.

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