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Magnus's POV

I wake up with the biggest smile on my face, one that I hadn't put on in over a hundred years. Last night was the best night of my entire life, and I loved it. Last night we didn't just have sex, last night we made love. And even if I have had tons of sex in the past with different lovers, it never felt like this. This had been much different, it had been special.

I feel some movement beside me, so I look down to meet a pair of bright hazel eyes looking at me. I smile and caress his cheek while he returns a sleepy, but still beautiful smile.

M: Good morning baby, how are you feeling?- I kiss his forehead sweetly.

A: Morning, I've never felt better in my life- he sighs contently and rests his head on my chest.

M: Heh, I'm glad you're feeling good. How were last night's events? Did you enjoy it?- I look down at him.

A: Are you kidding me? It was a-ma-zing!- he looks at me and smiles.

I smile back and lean down to kiss him, putting my hand on his cheek. He slowly starts getting on top of me, kissing me a bit harder. He sits on my lap, but as soon as he does, he gets right back up, hissing in pain.

A: Oh! Ouch, that hurts- he lays back down next to me.

M: Ow, baby. Is it really that bad? I'm sorry- I pout while saying that.

A: Don't apologise, it felt so good last night. I guess this is just the aftermath of yesterday's magical events- he looks at me and winks.

M: Yeah, it is. You will always get that stingy feeling after a night of passion, but trust me, it's worth it- I smile and look at him.

He smiles back and kisses my cheek, laying his head back on my shoulder. He starts to draw invisible circles on my chest, closing his eyes again.

A: Hey Magnus, can I ask you something?- he says hesitantly.

M: Of course honey, whatever you want- I look at him, and I notice that he's blushing.

A: Well, I was wondering if...you know...I mean, could we ever... like...switch rolls?- he blushes furiously and hides under the blankets, which I thought was adorable by the way.

M: Oh, do you mean switch who tops and who bottoms?- I look at the bulge that's on the bed.

A: Yeah- his voice is muffled due to the blankets.

I smile and take the blankets of him, pulling him closer to lay his head back on my shoulder.

M: Baby, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Neither do you have to feel embarrassed, it's totally normal for couples to talk about what they like/don't like when they have sex. It's also normal for you to feel curious and for you to want to try new things, you don't have to hide- I caress his cheek.

A: I'm sorry, it's just that...this is my first relationship ever so, I'm still getting used to all the sex talk. But back to my question, is that a yes or a no?- he looks at me and blushes.

M: Haha, of course sweetie. We can try as many things things in bed as you like, as long as it doesn't involve hurting each other with knives or hot wax- I look at him and wink.

A: Okay, thanks Magnus- he kisses my neck.

I was about to reply, when suddenly Alexander's phone starts ringing. He grabs it and answers, apparently his mother on the other line. He changes his facial expression from exited to annoyed in less than 30 seconds, mumbling a quiet "yes mom" before hanging up.

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