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Alec's POV

Should I tell him? I don't know if I should, what if he doesn't like it? I liked it, but he might think is wired.

But after he saved me from possibly dying, I think it suits him. He's my angel, because he's saves twice already. He might be half demon, but he's an angel to me. He's my guardian angel, and I think it would be cute if called him that. I don't know if he's going to like it, but I kind of really hope he does.

M: Hey baby, time for your cream. Lay down on the bed, I'll apply it on you- I lay down on my stomach.

A: I like it when you put it on me, it feels nice- I close my eyes.

M: Good, because you have to use it for at least two weeks- he starts applying the cream on my back.

It's been two days since I got rescued, and I have been staying in my room at the Institute. My mom told me that it was for the best, but she let Magnus stay with me so it's fine. The first day I only ate burgers and pizza, very unhealthy. The second day Magnus made me start eating healthy again, but I didn't mind it because he cooked for me. I also had to take some pain killers because even though my back is healed now, it still hurts a little.

A: That feels so good, it's kinda cold- I moan and rest my head on my pillow.

M: Yeah, it's supposed to feel cold. It helps you relax and your scars will disappear very soon- he rubs my whole back.

A: What are we doing after?- I turn my head to look at him.

M: Well, Mister. You will be eating a very delicious vegan pasta and drinking a very healthy green juice, while we watch a classic Disney movie- he finishes rubbing my back and puts the cream on the drawer of the bedside table.

A: Yay! I love Disney movies, they're so fun to watch- I turn around and sit on the edge of the bed.

M: I know! I'm glad that Clarie showed them to you, and I'm glad that you liked them. I thought that you were going to get mad at her, but you even cried at the end of Inside Out- he laughs and sits next to me.

A: Well that's because Bing bong sacrificed himself to help Joy! It was so sad!- I pout and lean on Magnus's side.

M: Ow, you are adorable- he puts an arm around my shoulders.

A: Thanks, and you're handsome- I blush.

M: Aw, thank you Alexander!- he kisses my cheek.

After that Magnus leaves the room to go get the pasta and the green juice, while I choose the movie. I decided to put the original Beauty and the Beast movie on, I have never seen it. I have actually never seen any Disney movie except for Inside Out, but Magnus said that we're gonna watch a different movie every night. I love that I'll get to spend so much time with him, specially while doing something fun. I kind of want to have sex with him again, but he doesn't want to do it until I'm fully healed.

M: I'm back! Here's your pasta and your juice, they're very good- he hands me a plate and a glass.

A: Thanks An-Magnus! Thanks Magnus- I can't believe I almost let it slip, I hope he didn't notice.

M: You're welcome, my sweet baby- he kisses my cheek.

We start watching the movie while I eat, my back pressed against Magnus's chest. He gently rubs my arms and kisses my head now and then, making smile. When I finish the pasta and the juice, he makes the dirty dishes disappear with a snap of his fingers. I grab his hands and put them over my belly, making him hug me. He hugs me tighter and rests his chin on the top of my head, making me feel protected. I like being like this with him, just cuddling or being sweet with each other.

Halfway through the movie, my mind starts to wonder of to the Angel thing again. I don't know why but I'm really starting to get obsessed with the idea of calling Magnus my Angel, I just don't know how to tell him. I'm very shy when it comes to expressing my feelings, so when I want to say something I normally keep it to myself. I know that with Magnus I have no reason to hide, I could just tell him anything I wanted to. But I'm still working on that, step by step.

M: Alexander? Are you okay?- he shakes me gently.

A: Uh, yeah. I'm fine, I guess. Did you say something, you know.... before- I blush.

M: Well, the movie ended like ten minutes ago, and I asked you if you wanted to watch another one or if you wanted to do something else. But you were zoned out again- I look at the screen, where the credits are rolling.

A: I'm sorry, I was just thinking- I turn my head to look at him.

M: What were you thinking? Is there something bothering you? Were you thinking about James?- he asks concerned.

A: No, I was thinking about us- I sigh.

M: What about us?- he rubs my sides.

A: Well, you know how you said that you wanted me to find a special nickname for you? One that we both liked?- I look at him.

M: Yeah, did you find one?- he smiles.

A: I think so, but I don't know if you're gonna like it- I look away.

M: Well, tell me the nickname and then I'll tell you if I like it or not- he grabs my chin making me look at him.

A: ...well, it's...uhm...I...- I look down while I blush.

M: Alexander, just tell me. You have nothing to be ashamed of, I won't get mad or laugh at you- he rubs my arms.

A: Angel- I whisper.

M: What was that? Speak louder Alexander, I can't hear you- he tilts his head to the side.

A: I...I said...Angel- I press my head to his chest, trying to hide.

M: Angel? But I'm half demon, that doesn't make any sense- he looks at me confused.

A: Okay, let me explain. I know you're half demon, but to me your an angel. You've saved my life twice now, and for that I love you. I feel like you're my guardian angel, because your always protecting me. It doesn't matter what type of blood you have, what's in your heart is what matters. And your heart is as pure as an angel's heart- I look at him and smile.

M: Wow, that is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever said to me. Thank you Alexander, you are lovely- he kisses my cheek.

A: So, can I call you that? Angel?- I look at him hesitantly.

M: Oh, come here- with a quick movement, he's lying down on the bed and I'm on top of him.

A: Is that a yes?- I look down at him and smile.

M: Yes, it's a yes. From now on, I'll be your angel and you'll be my sweet, adorable baby- he gives me a quick kiss.

A: Yay!- I smile excitedly.

M: Now, I think that we should have some fun. What do you think baby?- he smirks.

A: I'd love to! But, you said that you wanted to wait until I was fully healed- I look at him confused.

M: I didn't want you laying down on your back, but...you could ride me. Would you like that?- he squeezes my ass cheeks.

A: Aahh...yeah, I would like that- I start to move my hips back and forth.

M: Okay then, let's have fun- he snaps his fingers and suddenly we're completely naked.

Oh, this is going to be fun.

Hey! How you doing? So, chapter done! I hope you enjoy it! I also wanted to thank you for commenting on my story, I love your comments. Some of them are very funny so, keep doing it! I'll try to update soon, I promise.

Love, Neve❤️

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