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Magnus's POV

S: I found something!- he enters the office with his vampire speed.

C: So did I!- she enters the office and throws her sword away.

Jc: I got some information- he enters the office and sits down on the desk.

I: I found the lost footage!- she enters the office with an iPad on her hands.

M: Well, what did you all find?- I look at them.

S: I found out from Raphael that Camille was put in a cell at the guard in Idris because she was draining some mundanes- yeah, that does sound like her.

I: I found some footage of the guy who kidnapped Alec entering the van, along with another guy. Apparently it was a warlock named Maximus- she shows us a picture.

M: I know him! He used to be my friend, how could he?- I say angrily.

Jc: Well, I found out that Camille managed to escape from Idris. It appears that a couple of downworlders helped her, but the main corporate was a warewolf- which one though?

C: Maya told me that a new warewolf was identified, it looks like an unknown warewolf turned a mundane named James- say what now?

M: Oh, you've got to be kidding me! James? Why him?- I grunt in frustration.

Jc: Hold on, it could be a different James. We don't know for sure- he says hesitantly.

I: Nop, it is him. I managed to get the footage from the opposite side of the street and it shows James carrying Alec and getting into the van with Maximus- she shows us the video.

M: WHAT? But I erased his memories of Alexander! This doesn't make any sense- I sigh.

K: Well, I might know some things as well- Katarina enters the office.

M: Katarina! What are you doing here?- I hug her.

K: I heard what happened with Alec, so I decided to do a little research myself. Turns out that our old friend Maximus got to James before you did, he protected his memories and backed them all up- she crosses her arms.

C: So James is a warewolf now, he still knows all about Alec, he helped Camille escape and now they have Alec in a secret location?- she asks.

K: Exactly, you're very smart Fray- she smiles.

I: But why? I mean, I know that Camille is evil and James is a complete ass. But why would they kidnap Alec?- she asks confused.

K: James I'm not sure, but Camille might be doing it as revenge for what Magnus did to Elliot- she points at me.

M: For the hundred time, I didn't kill Elliot! He stabbed himself! I just happened to be there at the same time!- I scream, slamming my fists on the table.

Jc: Okay, wait. Who's Elliot and what does this have to do with Alec?- he frowns.

M: After Camille cheated on me, I dumped her. A few decades later she got a new mundane boyfriend, but she wanted him to live forever, just like her. So she turned him into a vampire, but he didn't want that. When he came back to life, he felt so hungry. Camille made him feed of his sister, and he drained her. He felt so awful, he felt like a monster- I look down.

S: That's kinda what happened with my sister, expect that she is still alive- he says sadly.

M: Yeah, kinda. After that he came to me, asking me to kill him. But I refused, I said that I couldn't do it. I told him to go to Camille, but he said that she wouldn't want to kill him. And he was right, Camille loved him to much to stab him. So he stabbed himself, right in front of me. I tried to stop him, but he was faster- I sigh, remembering that moment.

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