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Alec's POV (again😅😂)

A: Oh, hey Izzy! I was just looking for...for some makeup...to borrow- I'm not a great liar.

I: What for? You don't use make up- I know that, thanks.

A: Yeah, I know. I just want to...cover up a....a pimple- I'm definitely the worst liar ever.

I: What? You never get those, you have such a clean face! What is going on?- I hear her getting closer, now what?

A: Nothing! I just want to cover...something up- I don't want her to see me like this.

I: Alec, look at me! Turn around right now!- argh, I'm just gonna have to let her see me.

A: No, I don't want to- but she might as well help me.

I: ALEC GIDEON LIGHTWOOD!! TURN AROUND AND LOOK AT ME RIGHT NOW!!- sometimes she's way too similar to my mom.

I slowly turn around, and hesitantly lift my head. As soon as my eyes meet hers, I hear her gasp and tears start to form in her eyes. In another situation this would've been ridiculous, because we get hurt all the time due to fights or training. But since we both know that James caused this, it's sad and a good reason to cry.

I: By the Angel Alec! James did this, didn't he?- I think she already knows the answer.

A: Yeah, he did. He got mad at me because I was going to grab a slice of pizza from his fridge, I was so hungry after cleaning his whole apartment without having breakfast first- I can't lie anymore.

A: What? Is that why you weren't at breakfast today? Because you went to clean James's apartment??- yeah, pretty much.

A: Yes, but I didn't know that he wanted me to do that until I got there. I thought that he wanted us to have breakfast together or something- yeah right, as if.

I: Oh please! It's James we're talking about, he obviously wouldn't have called you if he didn't need you to do something!- of course.

A: I know, but I just thought...nevermind. Can you help me cover this up with some make up?- I beg she says yes.

I: No- a simple no.

A: What? Why not?- I can't let Magnus see me like this!

I: What happened to your stele?- she crosses her arms.

A: I...James broke it. He found it on the floor after he punched me- I look down.

I: Seriously?- now she sounds more mad.

A: Please Izzy, help me. If you're not gonna let me borrow some make up at least help me by making a new stele- I look at her with pleading eyes.

I: I'll help you, under one condition- oh yes!

A: Yeah! Whatever is it, I'll do it!- I have to.

I: Break up with him, today- oh no.

A: Izzy...I can't. It's not that simple- it really isn't.

I: Yes it is, just call him and tell him that you want to break up- it sounds easy, but it's not.

A: No, you don't understand. I can't just break up with him, I'm not doing it- I'm scared.

I: Then I can't help you, sorry big brother. You're gonna have to solve this yourself- before I can say anything else, she walks out the room and closes the door behind her.

I stand there, not very sure about what to do. I have no clue about makeup, and I can't make a stele either. I guess I'll just have to make up an excuse for Magnus, something believable. The worst part is that I wanted to look cute for tonight's date, but now, thanks to my wound I'll just look disgusting. Oh dear Angel, please help me!

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