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Alec's POV

There I was, walking down the isle. I was so fucking nervous, but I managed to hide it a little. Magnus was the one who proposed to me, so there was no chance of him saying no. But I still feared that something could go wrong, or that someone could ruin it.

My dad was walking with me, and when we got to the altar he hugged me. Then, my mom and my future husband came in and started to walk my way. He looked so beautiful, it was a simple tux but it still looked great. I also had a tux on, one that Izzy and my mom helped me pick. It was also very simple, but I didn't really care that much because all I could think about was the fact that I was about to get married.

I'm actually getting married to the love of my life! I almost couldn't believe it, I never thought that this day would come. But it did, and I couldn't be happier.

Finally, Magnus was standing next to me. We turn to look at each other and everybody sits down, right before we start to say our vows.

A: The love I have for you...-

M: Is a love that know no bounds-

A: In times of Joy as well as sadness...-

M: In sickness and in health...-

A: I will love you as my equal...-

M: And protect you above all else-

A: I'll share with you my truest feelings...-

M: And when you speak, I'll will listen-

A: I'll will catch you when you fall-

M: And when you sore, I will help you reach your greatest hights-

A: Magnus Bane...-

M: Alexander Gideon Lightwood...-

Together: I am, and will always be, your loving husband- we hold hands.

B: It it my Honor, to pronounce you...one- he smiles.

And then, we kiss. We kiss with so much passion and so much love, in a sweet kiss. We hold hands again and we start to walk out, ready to go to the reception. The ceremony was amazing, but it's time to have some fun as well.


There we were, dancing to a slow song. We were so close to each other, with no space between us. Everyone was around us, watching our every move. But it was like we were alone, like we were in our own world.

A: I'm not stepping on your feet, am I?- I look at my feet.

M: How could you be? It's like I'm walking on air- he smiles at me.

We keep dancing until the song changes to a faster one, everyone starts to dance with us. The dance floor is now filled with people dancing in their own ways, talking or laughing. Our friends joined us eventually, dancing with us totally out of sync. We were talking and laughing, we were having the time of our lives. We were enjoying ourselves so much, much so that we didn't even notice my mom and dad approaching us.

Ma: My boys! I'm so happy for you, congratulations!- she hugs us both.

R: Me too, even though I didn't really get it at first. But I do now, and I'm so glad that you've found each other- he also hugs us both.

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