1 - First Snow

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My black moon - NamJin

1 - First Snow

Joon P.O.V

Sunlight shining throughout the room, wind breeze flowing in making the curtains of the window flutter. It was a warm morning but ruined for someone. ' Joon, Wake Up.. I said WAKE UP ' yelled Joon's mom. ' Mom please stop, Do I have to remind you again that it's holidays now? ' replied Joon pulling his blankets. 'Yeah, I know but Today's the result day you idiot ' Joon woke up wide awake looking at the clock ticking 10.

' Oh No, I have only 30 minutes left for the release. Why didn't you wake me up earlier mom? ' yelled Joon washing his face and settling on his computer, logging into the website. ' FYI, I have been trying to wake you up since 8.30 but you didn't even budge for god sake Joon '  yelled mom slamming his door close. Joon's phone rang it was his friend calling to say that he got in but Joon was distracted and contemplating to hit that log in button.

His friend on the other side was yelling him to do, so he did it. And voila! Joon got admitted in his dream university. He was on cloud nine but became double happy that his friend got in the same university as his. Joon ran out shouting that he got in and the admission is next week...

Jin P.O.V

Wine glasses clinking, Glamourous lights shining like diamonds, All dressed in tuxedo and dresses. It was almost like a Gatsby party scene. Crossing the hallways was the private bar filled with a group of teens. A boy rushed in and tapped the raven hair boy saying ' Hey! Yo Jin, I heard you're going to college ' . Jin smirked saying yes and what's he gotta do with it. Another one pitched in saying that Jin has a good modelling career going on now so, what about it. Jin comes from a rich family. So, obviously he's well known and he was handsome as hell on top of that which attracted attention wherever he goes. And he got scouted one day and started modelling, doing commercials and photoshoots for magazines.

Jin was slightly annoyed by the questions pouring in , he just simply answered them saying ' Well, my Dad wants me take care of the company but I don't want to yet. So, I'm using college as an escape from it ' . For an escape you got into Yoxxei university ? asked one. Jin flipped his hair saying what he can do when he has both beauty and brain making the crowd go dumbfounded and jealous...

Author P.O.V

Steel bars rustling, the doors on the left opened on the announcement that the stop is sae bada and all the passengers are advised to get down or get in via the doors on the left. A crowd rushed in filling up the remaining empty seats. The granny sat besides the young boy who's immersed in reading a book while adjusting his glasses. She smiled and waved her hand in front of his face to grab his attention. Thankfully she did and went on asking whether he could help her with the transportation card and finding an address. The boy warmly said yes and asked what he needs to do. The granny told him that she's going to Yoxxei university and needs help regarding her transportation card and said she don't know how to use them. The boy smiled warmly again saying that he's going to the Yoxxei university too and would help her reach there. The granny thanked him and asked his name. The boy replied saying that he's Kim Namjoon , a freshmen of Yoxxei university.

[ Time skip ]

They reached the university while granny insisting on carrying her bags but Joon was stubborn not to. The granny thanked him saying she's lucky to meet a kind young boy like him and wished him best. He smiled , bowed back and walked towards the booth. Joon sighed seeing the long admission queue and sun shining showing off its beauty making people sweat. An hour passed by and finally it was Joon's turn. But unfortunately a stampede of people rushed towards him, dragging him towards a bigger crowd. Joon stood up and saw all the people around him were focusing on one person, Tall man , pale skin dressed with branded goods from top to toe, adjusting his denim jacket that was fluttering with the breeze blowing, he turnt towards the crowd making them go wild. People whisphering ,

' Yahh.. Isn't he the model xxx '
' Isn't he the one who came on that perfume commercial '
' Heard he's a heir of that great RJ group of companies '

But what got Joon's attention was the ID that was thrown in the air while he was dragged, lying on the ground near the man. Joon didn't even hesitate to reach out his hands to grab it. But he got pushed again and fell on the ground. Joon got up dusted his pants and ID slowly realising the mess he had created. Joon crashed on the tall man making both fall down, but worse it yet to come. Joon heard a crackling sound under his feet to see sunglasses broken in pieces resulting a death glare from the tall man who's just inches away from him. Namjoon trembled internally at the sight of broken gucci sunglasses and the dark aura of its owner.


Hey Guys 👋🏼 I have started the story 🥳🥳 Will be back with more chapters soon 😇🤗

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