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My black moon - Namjin


Jimin bumped into someone partially hugging them for support. He balanced himself saying he was sorry and looked at the man. ' Park Jimin? You're 1-4 class Jimin right?! ' said the man in surprise tone. ' Jay? I mean Jayden Kim, What are you doing here? ' said Jimin hiding his trembling voice. ' Ahh! Actually, I'm kinda lost. I was supposed be in fine arts department but I took a wrong turn ending up here. But, good thing I met you. Do you attend this university? ' asked Jay while glancing at Jimin who was deliberately avoiding looking at him.

' Well, Yeah. I'm majoring in astronomy ' said Jimin fiddling with his scarf. ' If you don't mind, Could you please come with me to the fine arts department? The paths are complicated here and I have to be there in 10 minutes ' asked Jay. Jimin hesitated for awhile thinking back the memories he worked hard to erase but agreed to walk him.

Taehyung was watching them from a distance to give them privacy to talk as Jimin signalled him to do so. He was looking at them walk away when a person suddenly put their arms around him saying ' I have never seen Jimin like that , Who's he? '. ' Oh! Jungkook sunbae, that guy.. He's Jayden. A school friend of chim ' said Taehyung hiding the fact that Jimin met his first love again.


Joon stared at Jin whose sleeping in his arms. He looked back to how Jin came home drunk last night with soju bottles in his hand and passed out crying in his chest. He caressed his forehead and softly kissed his cheek. Joon let Jin sleep and prepared hangover soup for him.

Jin woke up as some delicious smell hit his nose. He rubbed his eyes and saw Joon cautiously placing a pot on the table, he chuckled at the scene and hugged him. ' You woke up? I'm sorry. I tried my best to keep quiet, guess I failed ' said Joon patting Jin's shoulders.

They sat at the table and Joon served the hangover soup he made. Jin was laughing at how nervous Joon was while waiting for his reaction. He slurped the soup and did a ok sign saying it's good. Joon was relived that his soup turned out edible and asked about the last night's incident. Jin sighed and explained what happened. ' I can't believe that they did this to you Jin,  Did you hear from your father after that? ' said Joon. ' I switched off my phone and they know that I need some time so they will not bother me for awhile ' said Jin finishing his soup. ' Have any idea on how you're gonna handle this babe? ' asked Joon concerned on how much stressed Jin might be. ' Yeah, I just need to sort out some things before I make a move. Don't worry Joon, you're sugar daddy is stronger and smarter than you think ' said Jin winking at Joon, and him yelling that he's not a sugar baby.


AN : I'm sorry guys 😢😢 Had to deal with a lot of work but I promise to update chapters whenever I get time.


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