23 - The confession

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My Black moon - Namjin


The clock ticked 6 pm and the crowd rushed in, they got the front row fortunately as Jimin and Taehyung did all the pushing and running. The university dean gave the opening speech and the MC announced they have a special band performance. He called them to the stage, the curtains went up and the band N.flying showed up. The crowd went crazy hearing them playing ' Leave it '. They sang along and the venue had concert vibes. The band said they have another song prepared especially for the festival. The crowd cheered loudly hearing them play ' What makes you beautiful ' by one direction. Jimin and Taehyung got excited and danced slowly to it and Jin joined them. They jumped and sang along to ' If only you saw what I can see.. '. They were having the time of their lives.

Next, the university clubs started to perform. The drama club cracked up the whole crowd with a funny squid game parody. The MC announced that the dance club is gonna perform next and welcomed them on stage. Jimin and Taehyung were ready with their mobiles to record them and Jin was ready to cheer and scream for them.

They got into position and the butter remix played leaving the crowd euphoric, they cheered for them loudly. They performed both the summer hits butter and dynamite. Hobi and Jungkook did a duo performance for the dance break which left the crowd dumbfounded on how good they were. Boys and girls, all were screaming and cheering for the dance kings.The rest of the clubs performed and the crowd seem to have good time.

The MC announced that
there's one last special and surprise performance by student counsel. Everyone were perplexed on why student counsel is performing. Jin was surprised to see the person entering the stage with a guitar and a chair. He took a seat, held the mic and said ' Hi Guys! I'm Kim Namjoon, maknae of student counsel. And this song is for the person whom I want to scream I liked you from the day we met. Well, I first saw him the day I came to this university. I was caught in a crowd, then I saw someone with a scary aura getting off the car, but I found him cute. I got on the wrong side of him. When I met him personally , boy! He was rude but I found it a little hot to be honest. My first impression of him was like " what a rude jerk but why do I oddly like him " . I wished to never meet him but secretly hope we could meet. Seems like god heard my rambling and I met him again as my roommate. We had a love-hate relationship. But when I got to know him, I realized there was a soft, kind and nice side to him. He took care of me and I started to crush on him. My clueless ass thought he liked me too but damn I was friend zoned. And I couldn't get to confess. So, here I'm doing a public confession god it's embarrassing but he's worth it. I like you Black moon-ssi ' and started playing the song ~

Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say

Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face

whoa oh oh ~

There's no one quite like you, you push all my buttons down

I know life would suck without you

whoa oh oh ~

At the same time, I wanna hug you

I wanna wrap my hands around your neck

You're an asshole but I love you

And you make me so mad, I ask myself

Why I'm still here, or where could I go

You're the only love I've ever known

But I hate you, I really hate you

So much I think it must be
True love, true love

It must be true love
Nothin' else can break my heart like
True love, true love ~~

He then yelled ' Everybody sing True love ~ ' , and the crowd sang along with him.

Jin was surprised to hear the nickname black moon. Because he used to post cover songs under the ID , he thought no one knew it. He was wrong Joon followed him and even commented that he became a fan of his heavenly voice , Jin was utterly moved. He can't believe that Joon is confessing to him with the song he covered way back in high school. He covered his mouth in awe , Joon looked at him adorably making the crowd go wild. Tears welled up in his eyes. Then, Joon ended his performance saying ' I love you babe ' while looking at Jin.

Jin was swept off his feet, he ran towards the stage and hugged him tightly. Joon saw Yoongi yelling at someone, Jin turned to see TaeEun rushing out of the crowd. Jin ran behind him, he caught up to him and pulled him and asked ,

' Hyung! Are you ok? ' .
' OK? Jin! How could you do this to me? Out of all people.. You? I never knew you were flirting with him behind my back. I even told you how much I liked him. But still, you had to do this? I'm fucking hurt and hella disappointed in you Jin. Just get outta my face! ' yelled TaeEun wiping tears off his face. ' I'm sorry hyung! I didn't meant to hide it from you but I like Joon too ' said Jin holding TaeEun's hands. ' What? you made a fool of me. You could have just told me that day " Hyung, I like Joon and He likes me back. So, get our ass out of our relationship " , And I would have got my pathetic ass away from my brother's fling even if it meant pain for me ' yelled TaeEun and yeeted Jin's hands.

AN : Confess counter : 2 😆
Yeah, I know it's cringy and boring. This is not what I imagined 😢 but anyways another update 🥳

The song is True Love - P!NK, I'm obsessed with it lately 😭
I thought of using the bad buddy ost first but it doesn't suit here so I went with this one. Stream Just friend? in Spotify y'all, it's a good ost 😢💯 ohmnanon supremacy!

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