Final Chapter

104 4 2

My black moon - NamJin


Jimin tossed around bumping onto something. He rubbed his forehead and gently opened his eyes to see Jungkook snuggled to his chest and his muscular arms holding his waist tightly. He  smiled at him and smirked thinking about the wild night they had. He kissed his forehead, gently removed his arms and got out of the bed. He shoved the bread into the toaster and went to shower.

He came back dressed to see Jungkook sleeping soundly despite the loud thud sound he made while trying to dance to his favorite idol Rain's Rainism in the shower. He pulled the blanket Jungkook had kicked while sleeping and tucked him in and left a note on the night stand saying ' Breakfast is on the table and I'm leaving for my morning classes. Have a nice day love '.

Jungkook woke up hearing the door close and moved his hand on the bed searching for Jimin. He felt nothing, and saw something fluttering on the night stand. He read the note smiling unconsciously and kissed it , silently muttering that he already misses Jimin.


Yoongi pressed on the elevator button and waited for it to arrive. He felt a man's hand on his waist, he turned to see TaeEun smiling at him and pointing at his cheeks. Yoongi chuckled at him and stood on his heels to kiss him on the cheek. ' Eun-ah, Aren't you supposed be in Jeonju for your competition? What are you doing here? ' asked Yoongi pressing the second floor button. ' Yes but I didn't go. I saw the news, the situation with my father. So, I decided to cheer up my brother and see how taehyung is doing ' said TaeEun. ' I heard he's doing fine, I talked with Jimin yesterday. He told me that taehyung was of his normal self. And Eun-ah, speaking of Jimin he's dating- ... ' said yoongi while opening the door of hobi's room to see Jimin and Jungkook making out near the shoe rack. ' He's dating Jungkook I see ' said TaeEun and laughed awkwardly while dragging yoongi inside who was in a laughing fit.

' Hey Yoongi hyung, TaeEun is here today.  How you been dude? Haven't seen you for awhile ' said hobi while yelling at Joon to check the status of their order.
' I'm doing great hyung. Just a bit busy with my research. So, no one's cooking today? We're ordering food? ' asked TaeEun settling on the couch. ' Yeah, all the cooks are being lazy bums today. So, I just decided to order food from the new chinese restaurant. They even have big discounts for bulk orders and we have 8 mouths to feed ' said hobi while searching for the disposable plates. ' 8? Everyone's here today? ' yelled TaeEun in happiness.

' Hyung? When did you come? How have you been? What's with your pants? Why the hell are you wearing leather pants on  summer noon? And where did you get that tacky hat from? ' asked Jin cracking up Joon.
' That's a lot of questions Jin. I believe I look good in anything. The leather pants.. I just wanted a bad boy vibe. Enough about me, how you doing? I heard about our father's divorce. That man did something that makes sense in a decade ' said TaeEun.
' I'm doing fine hyung, you won't believe what happened recently. A couple weeks back father called me to our guest house... ' Jin explained the recent events. Joon was busy giving wrong directions to the delivery man, Jimin who was watching got sick of his antics and snatched the phone to tell the right directions. Jungkook who was standing besides the best friends was laughing at the scene and found a new fact that Namjoon doesn't have license and that he's bad with directions.

TaeEun was attentively listening to Jin, he was pissed off at first but surprised at the end to hear his father's message. It moved him a little but his distrust towards him was still there. He then saw Taehyung in the kitchen, he went to him and asked how he was doing and insisted him to call him as hyung instead of sunbae. Taehyung smiled and agreed to call him that way. They were interrupted by hobi yelling everyone to come eat before the gets cold. Everyone sat on the dinner table, the soul mate duo was rummaging the packets to see what they ordered. Hobi glared at them making them stop before they create a mess, he unpacked everything and neatly placed them on plates. TaeEun and Jin served them. ' OH! Guys we now have 3 couples in our gang. It seems like yesterday that we saw yoongi being a terrible match maker thinking that he's mother Teresa giving up his love, then TaeEun falling for him, Jin and Joon with their love-hate relationship, Jimin and Me crushing on each other. Those were the good old times man ' said Jungkook fetching the chow mein. ' You're right kook, Guess I can finally say this ' said Jimin. ' Say what? ' asked Joon while passing the chow mein to Jungkook.

' Taehyung's secret that he said to take it to my grave , he blackmailed me saying that he'll tell Jungkook that I like him if I don't do so. He's my boyfriend now. So who cares ' said Jimin and laughed at Taehyung who was furiously shaking his head telling him to shut up. ' Hobi hyung how could you steal our poor Tae's first kiss ' said Jimin still laughing. ' What? I kissed him? I don't remember though ' said Hobi trying to recall it. ' You won't cause we were dead ass drunk that night ' said Taehyung hanging his head down low in embarrassment. ' The day we slept on couch? I may not remember but I should take responsibility if I steal someone's first kiss, don't you think so? ' said hobi teasing him. ' How about being his sugar daddy? Taehyung wants to be a sugar baby so bad recently ' said Jimin running away from the table before getting his ass kicked.
' You little shi- I'm gonna kill you today bitch!! ' yelled Taehyung and chased him with Jin yelling not to behave like small kids, TaeEun safe guarding the plates from Joon hitting the table while laughing, Jungkook sneakily removed garlic from his plate, Hobi wondering why the dip for fried dumplings taste like garlic paste, Yoongi winking at the citrus cake in a tangerine mold. A usual day passes by for the weird ass family....

The End


AN : It's 2 am here what am I doing... Anyways you have reached the end, thank you for reading this boring story fellas.

Do you guys want any bonus chapter?


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