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My Black moon - NamJin


' If I say...I know that you're the one who texted me, Will you admit that you like me? ' said Jungkook holding Jimin's chin making him look into his eyes. Jimin was pretty shook that Jungkook knew that he liked him. When Jimin was about to answer him, Jungkook gave him a note.

' It's the D-Day chim, here's the last note ' said Jungkook and gestured him to read it. The note said ' I love you 3000 '. Jimin was confused on what's happening, ' Including this one, how many notes have you got Jimin? ' asked Jungkook. ' Well, including the last one it's a total of 13' said Jimin. ' Those notes are from me actually, those were the 13 reasons why I love you ' said Jungkook nervously waiting for Jimin's reaction. ' I secretly wished those were from you, but that I know it I can't believe it. They made me happy everyday ' said Jimin hugging Jungkook tightly. ' Wait!! Does that mean you like me? Did I get confessed just now? ' said Jimin while pinching himself to see whether it was a dream. ' Yes Jimin, Mr. Jeon Jungkook confessed to you just now that he's head over heels for you ' said Jungkook in excitement. ' How long have you known that I like you? And the countdown was for the confession? ' asked Jimin curiously. ' Wait, before that where's my answer chim? Yes or Yass? ' asked Jungkook pulling him closer.  Jimin closed Jungkook's eyes and whispered in his ears saying ' Tell Mr. Jeon kookie that his mochi is crazily in love with him ' and kissed him. Jungkook smiled and pulled Jimin for another kiss sealing their love story.

The rest of the guys were watching all these happen behind the door while trying their best to not to scream. ' Guys! I can still see you on the mirror ' said Jungkook laughing at the way they were hiding. Taehyung rushed out and lifted Jimin yelling ' Dude!! Finally you got your man ' . The rest were busy teasing Jungkook making him shy and blushy.


Jin received a message from his father which had a word that he never thought his father would say it to him. The message read ' Son! I know my mistake. I realised how much pain I have caused you. No parent would want to hurt their child or see them suffer. I know really well that apologizing now wouldn't make a difference but I want to say that I'm sorry for everything Jin. Please give me some time to change. I promise I will treat you well. And be a proper father to you '.  Jin was overwhelmed and moved hearing him being called son and he couldn't believe that his father apologized to him. He decided to give him the time he needs, he just wanted his father back.


' Hyung have you seen the news? ' asked taehyung while turning on the television to show him something.

" Breaking news - The great business mind Mr. Kim MoonSae is set to divorce his current wife and former model Ms. Kim Seonju "

Jin was stunned, his father was really changing just as he promised. He turned and look at Tae asking ' Taehyung, Are you ok? '.

' I'm fine hyung. My mom cheated and married the man destroying the household , I guess you could say that I was expecting this to happen one day. And this is her third divorce. Nothing hurts me now hyung,for me it's like I'm watching a re-run of the world's boring show. I'm more concerned of my final exams that are just around the corner ' said Taehyung laying on the couch and making that his hyung doesn't worry about him.


AN : I really have no idea what I'm doing with the plot. I messed up, but thanks for reading guys. Only one chapter is left...

Hope Jimin oppa recovers fast and gets well soon 🤞🏼🤞🏼


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