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My black moon - Namjin


' Joon... There's a beach nearby, You wanna go? ' asked Jin washing the dishes. ' Yeah, I would love to Jin and we can watch the sunset too  ' said Joon excited to go to the beach. They drove for 15 minutes and reached the bluish green liquid flowing, stretching till the horizon. They walked down the beach while holding hands and smiling at each other. They sat on the sand and just looked at the beach with a peaceful silence engulfing them.

' Joon, Do you have anyone you liked before? ' asked Jin while building a sand castle. Joon just smiled at his random question. ' Don't worry, I won't sulk. I'm just curious that's all ' said Jin winking at him. ' Ok, I'll tell you. During the first year of high school I was transferred to Tokyo cause I won a scholarship to study there for awhile . I liked it there, the city looked aesthetic at night and pretty in daylight , I used to visit a certain manhwa bang ( comic book store) as it was quiet and no one would disturb you. Libraries are quiet too but at that time I was under a lot of pressure, I used to hate books so that cafe was my get away.  I always sat that one corner where it had windows and and just look outside. One day I started to notice a girl visiting the building at the opposite of the store at a certain time of the week. She was tall, lean and had that innocent and sweet aura surrounding her. She would always dress in stripes or plaids, once in a blue moon patterns appear but she looked good in all. Unconsciously I started waiting for her, waiting for the day I can see her . A month passed like that , I thought I should talk to her So, I waited at the gate of the building . But she didn't show up that day... Next week and for a whole month she didn't show up. After that I came back to seoul ' said Joon while playing with the sand. Jin teased him saying ' Seems like our little boy had a crush back then ' and giggled.

' I went to tokyo once too for a week to model - we should go there together and visit that cafe too, where is it? ' said Jin. ' Yeah, that would great. The cafe? I think it was Hiroo, Shibuya ' said while fetching his phone to take a picture of the sunset. Jin was pleasantly shocked and said  ' You gotta be kidding me? '.   Joon asked why with a confused face. ' I used to get acting lessons in Shibuya. I already said I went to Japan for a shoot right, but at that time I took acting classes in my spare time. Wait.... Joon! Do you remember the color of the building? ' asked Jin. ' Yeah, I do. I stared at it for 6 months, how can't I ?. It was pale green and white ' said Joon. ' SHIT!! Jooonn! ' yelled Jin in surprise. Joon asked ' 'why ?' still confused. ' OMG! Joon you had crush on me bae ' said Jin chuckling. ' What are you saying? It was a girl Jin ' said Joon wondering what Jin is talking about. ' Hear me out, My dad is fine with modelling but he hates acting. So, I had to be secretive when I went to take my classes. He had bodyguard to see what I was doing so I would fake being in hotel, then dress up as a girl to take my acting classes in Hiroo. And I mostly wore shirts with stripes and plaids as they go well with black bottoms so I won't look weird tryna style stuff to look feminine. I used to there only on Fridays ' said Jin. ' Holy shit! She came there only on Fridays too...You gotta be kidding!! You're telling me that you were the girl with that bob cut , Damn!! Jin... Seems like we were meant to be ' and laughed at the insane coincidence. ' I can't believe it too, what's the probability that a scenario like this could happen? ' said Jin. ' Actually, 1/ 10,000 ( one in a ten thousand) ' said Joon. ' I didn't expect you to answer that idiot ' and smiled at the adorable nerd he's in love with.

They laid on the beach with Jin laying on one of Joon's arm. Joon looked at Jin and asked ' Jin? Do you still talk to your father and stepmother ? ' . ' Mmm... I do sometimes I can't avoid them forever even though I hate them. My step mother knows that, she just married my dad for the money. She sees me as an enemy thinking that I would steal the company which I have no interest to do anyways ' said Jin. ' Then... Are you gonna be continuing your career in the entertainment industry? ' asked Joon. ' Yes, Since I was young I always wanted the Starlight and I was popular wherever I go. So, at one point of time I naturally chose this path I think. Although my dad doesn't approve of it, I don't care anymore. He started to cheat on my mother knowing that I like men, saying that I'm a shame and alien species , he never approved my relationships. I had to keep it secret. If I knew our relationship right now, that man would make this place an hell ' said Jin thinking how bad and sad his life would be without all the things that happened this year. ' That's not fair. In a world with 7.9 billion people, there's only one YOU. That's how different and unique we are. I don't know why people impose that everything needs to be common and cage us in their standards. What if one is different? Why does it always needs to be women and a man? I'm sick of this people Jin. Your father must have been hard on you. I'm sorry that you went through that ' said Joon feeling upset and hurt . ' Aww... My honey, you need to be sorry... That's their fault to think like a retarded being in the 21st century. Let's stop talking my parents, What about yours? Do they know? ' asked Jin.

' Actually they know, as soon I said that you're famous, they googled your name and showered you with compliments and telling me that I'm so lucky to have a person like you dating me ' said Joon. ' They're are so sweet. Wish I could meet them soon ' said Jin smiling at Joon. ' Sure, I can take to meet when the break starts. They have always been supportive of whatever I do. I once got drunk stealing my father's whiskey, that day I kissed my mother's close friend's son. That's when I knew that I'm a Bi, that day was so chaotic . But my parents punished me only for stealing and said that I should be proud to be who I am ' said Joon.  Jin looked at him and said ' You're really lucky to have them Joon '. ' Yeah, and I'm the luckiest in the world cause I have you too ' said Joon looking at Jin with eyes full of love and affection for him.

Jin turned towards him and kissed his dimples with glistening eyes. He has never been loved this much,  all Joon gave to him was love and warmth the two things he needed the most. Jin glanced at Joon admiring  the night sky with twinkling eyes that are full of pure love. He thought to himself how could a person look so innocent and cute. He felt overwhelmed and asked him ' Do you love me Joon? ' in a soft voice. Joon looked at him, kissed his nose and said ' If I look at you the way I look at sky, then I've fallen for you babe '. Jin felt warm again, butterflies tickling his stomach, he blushed saying I love you too to Joon.

They stopped by the cafe near the beach to get some drinks before they head back to the camping site. Joon washed his face and came back to their table. He saw Jin licking and sucking his vanilla ice cream while looking at him. Joon blushed furiously thinking about what he shouldn't in public. Jin saw what he was doing to Joon and said ' I'm too tired to do what your thinking bae, So get that holy thoughts out of your mind ' and winked at him. Joon laughed at what he heard and teased Jin that he's gonna sleep outside the tent tonight.

They went back to their camping site and Jin started to prepare the dinner. Joon boiled the water for the soup and cut the green onions. Jin got a call from his secretary saying his father got into an accident, he then asked Jin where he was and asked him to come to the park next to the camping site and wait there saying that he has sent a car to pick him up. Jin ran into Joon's arms and hugged him tight. He explained what happened and apologized that he's leaving. Joon consoled him and walked him to the park.


AN : This chapter was too big to upload as one but I didn't want to drag it into another chapter. So, I split post them. Hope you're enjoying reading the Story till now 😄😄

I was so down after watching bab buddy series ep 11 , especially the preview of ep 12. Nothing came to mind, I didn't edit this yet. So, mistakes might be there.

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