11 - Backstory

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My Black Moon - Namjin


Joon looked at Jin with flustered eyes. ' I saw you always stargazing through the window and that aurora night sky lock screen gave you out ,Well...I heard that we have a meteor shower tonight. So, I took you out to watch it together maybe we can talk and get to know us better under this moonlight ' said Jin. Joon was genuinely surprised but thought Jin was still feeling bad about the allergy incident and decided to soothe him out.
' The night sky is so pretty as the one who made me look at it ' said Joon. Jin smiled and contemplated on what he should ask about Joon.

' Well, this allergy... Nobody including me knew it at first. As we lived in the inner city and my parents aren't that much fan of seafood. I didn't have any till I was in elementary school. Then we moved to a city near the beach for middle school. My first day... I think there was some kinda festival going on in our school. They had stalls everywhere. There was this pink haired guy who was forcing me to try some dish. Well.. It was my first day in new school, I was kinda going for that kind, nice boy image. So, I ate it but boy! In a few seconds, I had rashes all over my body and making it worse, I accidentally drank some drink that had seafood. Damn! I swelled up and passed out. When I opened my eyes, I was in ER and and a pink haired guy next to me was crying his eyes out to my parents '. That's Jimin isn't it said Jin. Joon nodded, giggled and continued his story. ' Then I came to know that I had seafood allergy. From that day, Jimin clinged on to me. I guess he was guilty. Days passed turns out our energies match pretty well and we became besties , that's all my story of how Namjoon got this freaking seafood allergy, Now, it's your turn Jin-ie ' said Joon.

Jin nodded while thinking on what to say as he couldn't decide , he asked Joon to ask something he was curious about him. Joon asked ' I have one actually! Why does Taehyung call you hyung? Isn't he the same age with us ' . Jin's expression visibly darkened which made Joon thinking whether he asked something sensitive and offered not to answer if it's something he can't talk about. But Jin looking at the sky said  ' I gotta tell this to someone one day, maybe it happens to be you Joon and don't worry I'm okay with it ' .

' Actually I have a brother whom I miss a lot even now. We were pretty close when we were young. But as hyung grew up , his skills shone. He was a fine, talented man in both academics and in sports too. He was prefect and pride of the family. Then there was me a " FAILURE ", an idiot who wasn't good at anything. So apparently we got compared and I was humiliated everytime. But hyung didn't know at that time, that it wasn't just humiliation that I went under but physical abuse too. I didn't hate hyung for that cause it was my fault. One day in middle school, hyung came home early and saw me getting hit. He got angry stopped my dad and threw things , made a mess upon hearing that his little brother was suffering because of him. We had a big fight that day, hyung lost his mind on hearing that this abuse was going on for so long. And locked himself in his room. I knocked his room all night long but there was no response. When I came back from school, my house was chaotic. Then I found my brother's letter saying that it was all his fault and decides to disappear. We searched everywhere but found no trace of him. The house became a hell for me. My mom was ill, after hyung's disappearance I found that my mom became ill cause my dad cheated and insisted on not planning to ditch that lady even after a divorce notice. Hyung running away made it worse she became bedridden. Then I was bullied cause of a rumor saying that my hyung didn't disappear it was me who killed and buried him. I was hanging in there but I broke into pieces when I found that it was my mom who told to spread the rumors. And my dad turned  blind eye to me being bullied. It was literally hell for me Joon, I used to hang out at the studio besides our school not wanting to go home. That's how I got scouted to model. Then my mom passed away. Dad remarried with the lady he was cheating with. They treated me like shit but I had to pretend ok outside cause still I was the son of RJ group of companies. I really wished my brother would come back. One day a boy moved into our house the son of my stepmother, he clinged to me , helped me even though I pushed him and treated him bad. Then I accepted him, that boy became the only thing that healed me in that hell. He said that to him I'm like a brother figure who cared about him and called me hyung . After a long time, I felt going back to home. But that didn't last long. After a couple of months, Tae moved abroad without telling me. Guess what... I came back to square one the lonely, broke me. Later I found from my secretary that Taehyung was blackmailed by my stepmother that I would be thrown out of the house and stripped off my shares cause he was told not to bond with me but he did, ignoring them. So he chose to leave so that I wouldn't. You know Joon, people change when they're hurt right? So did I. I changed to this version of the Kim SeokJin you see today so that nobody will take away what I want and I can protect myself so that no one sacrifices for me ' said Jin with tears welled up in his eyes.

Joon was shook to hear Jin's back story and realized that he was putting up this arrogant and tough outer so that he could hide his timid, broke inner self. He held his hands and patted him saying that ' change is inevitable when people undergo something really bad but I'm proud of you Jin to face all this mess. I will be the healing soul you missed ' said Joon wiping away his tears while Jin distracting him by showing the meteor that passed by cause he was embarrassed to show his vulnerable side. But, Jin felt grateful inside and refreshing that he let everything out. He felt after a long that he could actually trust someone.


AN : Bulk updates will be done soon once I'm free with my college work 😓😬 Concerts are around the corner right 🥺 Damn! It's kinda making me sad that I'm not able to go. Hope one day every army gets to attend their concerts 💜


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