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My black moon - Namjin


Yoongi can't see TaeEun behaving like an idiot and yelled ' TaeEun! Stop being mean to Jin, you don't know the truth. You don't know what he did for you! ' . TaeEun looked at Jin with questioning eyes, Jin said ' Yoongi is just blabbering, there's nothing like that ' and tried to change the topic but yoongi wasn't having it.

' Jin liked Joon way before you did Eun . But, when you said you liked Joon at your house, he felt guilty like he wasn't supposed to like Joon. He decided to wash away his feelings cause he thought after all you went through because of him, you at least deserved love which made you happy. ' Happy ' that something your brother was never able to give you. Jin felt like he stole everything from your life. So, he ignored Joon and even behaved like an ass hole so that Joon would hate him. All that for you... For your love to be reciprocated... TaeEun! You have no idea how much it hurts to see your loved one be with another man, but Jin tolerated all that Just for you... ' yelled Yoongi while holding TaeEun's collars and tears rolling down his cheeks.

' Jin! Is it all true? ' said TaeEun holding Jin's hands. Jin sighed not wanting to agree that it's true but he didn't want to hide anymore. So, he nodded saying yoongi's words were all true. ' My brother! You don't have to do that, but why... You don't have to sacrifice your happiness for my sake. You think I would be happy after that?.... NO. Yeah, I like Joon but he rejected me cause apparently he liked someone else. But I was angry at the fact that the someone was my little brother, I felt like... I was toyed Jin. Seems like you didn't know too right? ' said TaeEun but interrupted by Joon calling for Jin.
Joon found them, he rushed to see what happened.

Joon thought TaeEun deserves some explanation and said ' Well, TaeEun sunbae... I didn't know that I liked Jin too. During the early days, I thought maybe I'm just attracted to him but I didn't know that I liked him all this while. I was confused that's when you took me to the date. Whatever I saw, whatever we did... It all reminded me of Jin. When I rejected you, I couldn't bring myself to tell you that I like Jin cause he's your brother. And I didn't know how you would handle that... I'm sorry for hurting you sunbae. I'm sorry to say this too I hope you would find someone better than me ' . TaeEun nodded saying ' Better than you? Boy I don't think anyone likes me though ' which hurted yoongi a little. TaeEun then asked yoongi to come with him to his dorm. Before he left, he made sure to tell that he's ok with his brother accepting Joon.

Joon sighed in relief, that's when he felt a push. Jin pinned him on the wall and stared at him, he smirked while licking his lips.
' Woah!  Am I the only one getting deja vu? ' said Joon and came closer to poke his cheek. ' That day... It was intentional, I meant it bae ' said Jin chuckling looking at Joon's eyes widen. Joon was perplexed that Jin remembers that day and realized that he remembers what happened after the kiss too and started to blush,
' So... That means YOU LIKE ME? ' whisper screamed Joon.

' My gosh, Joon you clueless idiot! I freaking kissed you, called you cute, and just now yelled at my brother that I like you. And you still ask me that? ' said Jin chuckling finding Joon cute and he hugged him tight bumping their noses and kissed his cheek and forehead in joy. ' That's not how it's done my baby boy ' whispered Joon and pulled him closer, kissed him slowly and deeply. Both panted but didn't stop kissing as their soul yearned for each other.


Yoongi dragged TaeEun into the elevator. They stooped by to get some beer and soju. TaeEun was half drunk, yoongi helped him find his room. Yoongi was concerned cause on the way to home , TaeEun didn't say a word he just walked quietly and had poker face. The moment the room door opened, TaeEun rushed to his bed. He crashed his face into the pillow and started crying loudly. Yoongi sat next to him and patted his head knowing that no words could console him at the moment as he very well knows the pain. TaeEun sat up and cried on yoongi's shoulders for awhile holding the hem of his sweater tight.

[ Time skip ]

TaeEun changed into his nightwear while yoongi was searching for something in the kitchen. ' Hyung? What are you searching for? ' asked TaeEun. ' Found it. Just sit on the couch, I'll be back ' said Yoongi and appeared with two desserts in his hand. ' Ice-cream? ' asked TaeEun.
' Yeah, Legends say that Ice-cream is the magic portion for sadness. Want cookie n cream or Mint choco? ' said Yoongi. ' Mint choco please, And whose that legend? ' said TaeEun passing the spoon to Yoongi and helping him open the tub. ' Me! I'm the legend ' said Yoongi cracking up TaeEun. They had ice-cream together, TaeEun stole some scoops from Yoongi's tub which he didn't seem to mind. TaeEun then talked about his feelings, he shared on why he ran away from home, how having a good reputation became a obsession to him cause of his parents, how he missed his brother at the orphanage, how grateful he's to live like now, how happy he's to meet his brother back, how much it hurts to get rejected, how he felt a little jealous seeing his brother getting confessed and happy for him at the same time. He felt insecure thinking about the past. So, he snuggled into Yoongi's arms which made him feel better and safe. Yoongi consoled and made him laugh, cooked his favorite dishes, hoping it would make him feel better. They then cuddled watching movies on net**ix, Yoongi watched TaeEun slowly falling asleep on his chest. He moved him to the bed and kissed his forehead saying ' It's hurt to see you sad Eun-ah, hope you will be back to your cheerful self soon. I know it will be hard but I'll be besides you helping you through the pain. Ah..Actually, there's someone who likes you.. And I'm that someone... ' whispered Yoongi smiling at TaeEun thinking that him sleeping like a big baby is so cute and went back to the kitchen to do the dishes.


AN : Another chapter 🥳 I kinda feel bad for TaeEun tho 🥺

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