12 - The Bet

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My Black Moon - Namjin


Jin woke up Joon whose sleeping in his cute koala pajamas twirling on the bed whining to wake up. Jin then whispered that you have morning class today that too taken by the university's devil, you wanna go late? Joon dashed to the bathroom to get ready.

Joon was walking on the hallway to their classroom then he felt a neck choke. ' Hey chim! Let- Go-' yelled namjoon but Jimin was having too much fun. ' You know what! After that post, I thought I would be look down, given those creepy looks like in those teen dramas and movies. But everything is normal opposite to what I thought it would be ' said Joon. ' Well, it's normal cause TaeEun sunbae deleted the post. You know what , he even sued the person who posted it for defamation. When he said he take would responsibility for it that day, he really meant it seems. He's so cool isn't he Joon? ' said Jimin looking for the chance to tease Joon.

Joon mumbled that he should thank him later. And Jimin teased him  ' Isn't TaeEun sunbae your style? Cute, hot and popular but kind, treats people well... Looks like YES to me. You know what! by the way he behaves around you, I think he's interested in you'.  ' There you go spouting nonsense again and being delusional , why would a person like sunbae be interested in me? Not gonna happen chim ' said Joon trying to divert Jimin's attention. It didn't work though.
' I'm sure, You wanna bet? ' said Jimin. ' Oh my gosh Chim! You- I bet and the bet is you confessing to your crush? ' snapped Joon. Then they fist bumped yelling deal.

Jin had no morning class so, he decided to clean the room a little before Joon arives. He then saw his phone lit up with text saying
' Are you free now? Can we meet? ' from his uncle. Jin was perplexed on why his uncle whom he haven't met for a long while has texted suddenly even asked to meet. He changed his clothes quickly and went to the cafe mentioned in the text. He saw him sitting beside the window and waved at him.

Jin : Hello! Uncle
Uncle : Hey, Jin. How are you doing?
Jin : I'm doing fine uncle, what about you?
Uncle : I'm doing great. It's been so long since I saw you. You grew up a lot. Are you in university now?
Jin : Yes uncle, majoring theatre arts in Yonxxei university. If you don't mind, What's the reason you want to see me? Cause you contacted me after so long. I was kinda surprised.
Uncle : Well, I was on a business trip. I came back yesterday. I wanted to meet you to tell that I heard about your brother from some reliable resource.
Jin : Heard what uncle?
Uncle : He's alive Jin! Maybe I could help you find him if you agree.
Jin : He's alive? Good thing. But I don't want to find him uncle. He left me for a reason and I don't want to force him to come back to me. I don't want to be hung up on the past anymore. And once I find him so will my family. I don't want him to suffer again. But could you do me a favor? Can you just find out whether he's doing okay? Cause he was young when he ran away and grew up in a rich household. I'm kinda concerned. But hyung was smart. I'm sure he will be doing fine, Right? Uncle.
Uncle : Yeah, he would. I will look up and let you know once I find out how he's been and doing.

The professor was yelling the students to settle down fast. 'My gosh, Why does it have to be him? I can't believe I took this paper ' mumbled TaeEun and startled by someone sitting next to him. ' OH! Yoongi sunbae, You take Han professor's class too? ' said TaeEun in surprised tone.
' Yeah, I'm retaking it' said Yoongi while fetching his notepad and pen. TaeEun saw Joon entering the classroom and tried to sit beside him but failed as the professor was yelling at him to sit in his place. The class went on with the professor explaining theoretical stuff and most of the students yawning and the rest sleeping already. Finally, it was done. But the professor threw in a surprise that they have to do a group project on constellations as a duo and the due date is next thursday. The students were shouting that it isn't fair, the next thursday is in two damn days. TaeEun didn't pay any attention to the chaos around him, his mind was filled with the thought on how to ask Joon to join his team. He waved at Joon trying to get his attention but stopped by the professor again yelling that he doesn't care and the partners are the ones sitting next to you in this class. TaeEun turned left and realized his partner was Yoongi and sighed loudly.

Yoongi looked at TaeEun sighing at him and thought ' Does he hate the thought of being partners with me for a project that much? It's just a project ' . The professor yelled again looking at his materials saying ' As your class strength is odd, you can be in a group of three but the due date is the same ' and went out. The students were roaring and complaining. TaeEun ran to Joon to ask his permission. And Joon quickly nodded and asked about the third one. TaeEun pointed at Yoongi. Thus, the team creation was completed and they agreed to meet up tomorrow to discuss about the project. TaeEun was excited and thought this is as the opportunity for him to get to know Joon better and to know whether he has feelings for him or not. Yoongi's poker face was on as he tried to avoid showing his  darkened expression while watching his team members smiling at each other as if they knew each other for so long.

TaeEun went home, greeted by a raspy voice.
' Oh uncle, I didn't know you were here ' said TaeEun smiling at him. ' TaeEun-ah, I met your brother at the business trip ' said uncle. ' What! Did you tell him about me? ' yelled TaeEun. ' No, I didn't. But he was concerned about you ' said uncle. ' Well... I hope he's doing okay too. I came to you for a reason and I'm not going back. I'm just a burden to him and I don't want to him to suffer again. So please refrain from meeting him please ' said TaeEun frowning and sad at the thought of his brother.


AN : I'm done with vaccination finally, I just got my second dose 😵😢 The concert is tom, Am i the only one sad and happy at the same time? 👀🥺

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