6 - VMin pt. 2

98 7 1

My black moon - Namjin


' You remember the summer camp I went to which took place in London.. We were having a musical practice. That's when I met Byul, she was our group leader, a year older than us. She was friendly and guided our team well. That day was our last rehearsal but she went missing. But that night before she went missing , I woke up cause I was thirsty. You know what I saw... I saw Byul crying and arguing with this Jerk. I was angry so was the whole group. Fortunately the musical ended well, and Byul returned back the next day. When we went to see her she wouldn't say a word. Weird rumors went around that she was pregnant. I rushed to her, You know what I saw again, this Jerk trying to talk to her. My anger got to me and we fought. Then the instructor stopped and punished us. Byul treated my wounds and said that those rumors were true and didn't say anything when I asked about the father. I remember her crying all night, the cheerful Byul we saw had a soul less face all day. It broke my heart. As I knew who that father was.. I searched for him only to know that he disappeared after our fight. That jerk knocked out my friend and ran away. Joon stop me before I beat the shit out of this rude jerk ' said Jimin and threw a hard punch on Tae's face making the corner of his lips bleed. Taehyung was calm given the situation . Rubbing off his blood, he looked at Jimin and said ' I searched for you too dimwit. Byul... You don't what happened. I knew Byul before you knew her. She used to be my neighbor. I was glad to see her again at the camp but she was begging to someone and crying her eyes out when I saw her. Later, when I asked she said she's pregnant with the instructors child. I was shocked and consoled her but she said she was hopeless and the father doesn't know about it. As a teen, she was worried about her future as well as the father . I convinced her that she should tell him but she disagreed and was too afraid to do it. So, I decided to tell him. I met her that day to tell that I would break the news and convince him but you ruined it by fighting with me you dumbass. I disappeared cause the instructor said he wasn't responsible for his actions. So, I took some legal action on him. Then he got scared and realized what he has done. You misunderstood me for god's sake Park Jimin. Byul is living peacefully with her child now '

Jimin didn't believe what he said and was shocked at one hand for misunderstanding the whole thing. Taehyung showed the pictures of Byul holding her child and her husband besides her. It was the instructor. Jimin realized his misunderstanding and looked at Tae with him nodding yes. The forgotten existence Joon and Jin was dumbfounded at the situation. Jimin knew he was at wrong but was too embarrassed to say anything. He grabbed his bag and rushed out. Taehyung followed him , Jimin stopped when he felt ones hands on his shoulders. He turned to see Taehyung saying ' A sorry would do chim ' . Jimin laughed saying he's sorry and had no idea of the backstory that he didn't knew. Taehyung smiled back and dragged him to the cafeteria as he could hear Jimin's stomach growling. With all this chaos, the another roommate duo Jin and Joon caught up to them. They settled down on the nearby bench. Jin went to the counter to get their orders . He rushed in as he was hungry but bumped into a tall man. He backed up and both dusted their clothes and gave out death glares. People started to gather watching the situation. Like who wouldn't , two handsome dudes glaring at each other, who would miss that k-drama scenario. They were standing facing each other with a gap between them still glaring at each other. A clueless Joon walked between the gap realized something was wrong. Taking his airpods out, he looked at the people gathered around and he saw Jin at one end but turned upon hearing Joon! He was surprised to see TaeEun sunbae standing before him. TaeEun came closer to him asking whether he's here to grab his lunch flashing his eye smile completely ignoring the frowning Jin at the other end.

Jin was looking at Joon who was talking to someone. He didn't know why his blood boiled at this scene but ignored thinking that the man seems to be on the annoying side. He then dragged Joon to the counter asking to help him carry the food. They picked the dishes, and went back to their table. Joon looked back at TaeEun sunbae gesturing him to look at his mobile. TaeEun checked his mobile, he got a text from Joon saying ' I'm here to have lunch with my friends and roommate sunbae. Meet you later at the student counsel meeting ' . TaeEun went back to his table smiling and excited to know that Joon applied to student counsel.

AN : Another chapter 👏🏼👏🏼 I wrote upto 7 , So I'll be double updating today 🥳🥳

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