17 - The mail

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My Black Moon - Namjin


Jimin squinted looking at his mobile , he was still half asleep and zoning out. But was scared as his phone rang in full volume. It was Taehyung calling him.
' Dude! Open the door already ' Tae yelled while fiddling with something '. ' Did your dorm key fly away or what? ' said Jimin walking towards the door throwing  his mobile onto his bed. As soon as Jimin opened the door, Tae greeted him with smile and a hug. ' Chim! See what I got you..! ' said Tae settling his bags down and placed a paper bag on Jimin's hands. ' Oh Lunch cakes?! ' said Jimin licking the cream.
' Uh Oh Hold your horses chim! That's for our picnic ' said Tae changing his clothes. ' Picnic!? When Tae? ' said Jimin puzzled on whether he forgot and slept.
' Right Now! You know you should get ready, Cause you look- Change into some fresh clothes chim. You got 5 mins! ' replied Tae. He then dragged Jimin to the park near the university library. They both enjoyed the raspberry lemon flavored lunch cake and chatted for awhile.

' You know Chim! I got some juicy news to tell ' said Tae smirking at him. ' Then I have some breaking news to tell dude! Let's say it at the same time ' said Jimin playfully smirking at him. ' At the count of 1..2..3...They went,

Tae : Jin hyung has feelings for Joon.
Chim : Yoongi hyung likes TaeEun sunbae.

Both gasped and looked at each other utterly shocked.

Jin fiddled with his ipad, he was in no mood to take notes as the lecture was hella boring. He was zoning out, looking out the windows. His ipad lit up showing a notification from Gmail. It was an anonymous mail with the content saying that they have some life threatening info about him and called him to the lockers. He was puzzled but he had a bad feeling about it and couldn't ignore it as prank.

So, he rushed to the lockers. He looked everywhere there was no one. He got another mail telling him to open the locker numbered 12. He found an envelope inside, it had a note saying that the sender knows his brother and he's near Jin, attached his personal data like identification marks to prove that the sender knows him and also saying that they have included a recent picture of his brother as a gift. Jin was confused, flustered and anxiety was creeping back to him. He flipped the envelope a picture fell down, he picked it up. He saw a familiar face. He plopped down to the ground, tears escaped his eyes while he mouthed ' TaeEun...is..my.. brother? '.

Joon was sitting in the common hall with his other classmates for some announcement. All were waiting for the seniors as they were informed to stay back after classes. Joon was surprised to see TaeEun coming in with other seniors as he thought only third years are coming. TaeEun smiled at him, Joon was reminded of the confession.

He smiled back and avoided looking at him. Then, Joon thought it would be impolite to ignore TaeEun. So, he decided to talk to him before he goes back and searched for him. TaeEun appeared behind him scaring the shit outta Joon. He then hugged him to calm him down. Joon slightly pushed him as he felt awkward. They walked towards the dorms. ' Hey.. Joon! I'm thinking like why don't we hang out tomorrow? Like it's been awhile since we spent time together. I need to shop for some stuff, let's go together? ' said TaeEun looking Joon with puppy eyes. Joon thought to himself that he barely survived today near him but hanging out with- Damn! That was something he didn't want right now. But he agreed to TaeEun's idea cause he didn't want to hurt him and it's not his fault to like Joon.

AN : It's a short one but imp chapter tho 👀 Don't forget to Vote and share guys 💜

So much happ today like the concert man Wished  I lived in LA. Hope I get to attend their concert live one day😢

TMI tho - but I live in India, hope it gets a date when the world tour is announced 😥😓

Vminkook live! Damn the maknae line = chaos 😆 it was funny af 💜

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