13 - The Realization

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My Black Moon - Namjin


Yoongi's phone ringed with notifications from an unknown chatroom. He slid open to see it's from the new chatroom made by TaeEun for the project. The messages read asking whether everyone is available tomorrow for discussion. The replies were yes but yoongi didn't feel like going. He felt he's intruding something whenever he's with TaeEun and Namjoon. He was not in the mood to play third wheel and said ' he's not available and to continue without him ' . Something bugged him inside , a wave of unknown sadness hit him. Yoongi tried to ignore it and distract himself by paying attention to the lecture going on.

[ Time skip ]

Joon was tidying up the sheets and his desk, he got weird looks from Jin. Joon straight up ignored it and checked whether his macbook is working or not. They heard someone knocking, Jin opened the door to see a cheerful TaeEun greeting him. He turned back and gave that ' Explain ' look to the other. Joon swiftly dragged TaeEun inside explaining that he's here to work on a group project and asked whether Jin had morning classes cause if he had, he's obviously gonna be late. Jin looked at the clock ticking 8 past 25 , he grabbed his bag quickly and gave a mocking look towards TaeEun and dashed out leaving him confused on why Jin always looks at him that way.

They both settled on Joon's bed with ipads and macbook ready to work on their project. Joon asked what they should do first. TaeEun suggested to divide work like , me and you doing the research work and they make presentation together with yoongi tomorrow. Joon agreed and they searched for any books related to 'constellations' their topic. Joon found some articles about their topic and explained them to TaeEun. But he was little too close to TaeEun leaving him nervous and blushing. TaeEun was staring at Joon who is passionately explaining about the origin and stars with twinkling eyes. TaeEun blurted out saying '  You're eyes are pretty like these stars ' and got embarrassed afterwards realizing what he did. Joon  was flustered at the random compliment and left out a feeble chuckle. TaeEun smiled at Joon thinking how cute he looks when he smiles and those dimples making it's appearance whenever he smiles doesn't help much. TaeEun cut his track of thought realizing he just called Joon cute and his heart is fluttering with butterflies flushing in his stomach. Joon waved at TaeEun to get his attention as he wasn't responding to him. ' Sunbae! Do you have any flash drive? ' asked Joon. ' Umm.. Oh yeah flash drive? I don't Joon. Why do you need it? ' replied TaeEun staring elsewhere cause he was starting to blush at the thought he may have feelings for Joon and it's was starting to hit him that they are alone in Joon's room.

Joon got up to fetch his flash drive near his desk but slipped and ended up sitting on TaeEun's lap. He hurriedly got up and searched for the flash drive pretending nothing happened, he turned back to see a beet red TaeEun staring at him. Joon got flustered and asked ' Sunbae! Are you ok? You're red, is it because of the weather? It is certainly hot today '. TaeEun gave him an awkward smile saying that it's the weather that got to him when he knew for sure that it's not the weather that's hot but someone who he's smiling at like an idiot. They wrapped up the discussion after an hour while TaeEun was lost in his thought. He thought to himself that ' I just blushed furiously and behaved like a teen girl who's near her crush... Damn! So I Kang TaeEun have feelings for Joon?! ' and gasped which caught the attention of the younger. Joon was confused on why TaeEun sunbae is behaving weird today. He snapped at him, and asked him how the post was deleted?. TaeEun stared at him for awhile and answered that day he got an email with all the evidence on who posted and instructions on what to do to delete the post and doesn't know whether to call it an anonymous mail cause the sender's name was shooky. That's how the post got deleted and he sued the person the evidence was pointing at. Joon nodded and gave him the flash drive saying it has the details and files our project needs. TaeEun thanked him for helping out and told that he would buy him lunch soon then left for his noon classes.

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