27 - WRU?

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My Black moon - Namjin


Do I know you?


Sus 👀😬

                               Do you smell                  something burning?

Sorry, What?

                                 My heart is         
                                 burning 🤯👻     

For me? 😆
Was that supposed
to be a pick up line 😏

                                  Yeah 😆😘

You know what, All the chocolate factories
in the world went out of business...
                           Wydm🤨 Why?

Cause you're too sweet 😘

             Damn! Did you just pull the uno reverse card on me 👀😦

Just tell me one thing
What's ur name?
                                       Mimi ig
Jungkook here

' Taehyung... Tae! ' Jimin shaked Tae at midnight yelling that his crush replied to him. Taehyung woke up half asleep, looked at the chat and muttered good for you and went back to sleep. Jimin was staring at the texts and peeking at his socials.

' Wake up Tae! ' Jimin shaked him again, ' OMG Chim! Just let me sleep for god's  sake ' yelled Taehyung and wrapped himself in blankets. ' You little b- , Kim Taehyung! We have friendly match with seniors today, Remember? ' yelled back Jimin while getting dressed. ' oh shit! Is it 10 am already? I forgot it completely, I better get ready ' said Taehyung and ran to the restroom.

Taehyung was said to bring a friend to the cooking club , to be his assistant for a week and they will be having a mission together at the end of the week which is a cooking battle. He lured Jimin there saying it was a buffet party but he ended up baking cookies.



' Jin, Do we need this red thing? ' asked Joon pointing at the bags near his legs. ' Yeah bab, that's the chairs. We need them and could you please load the tent and other things into the car? ' asked Jin while packing some lunch boxes. ' Jin! It's all done, it's getting late... We have to be there by- ' yelled Joon and Jin rushed with some more things. They hit the road, ' The weather is really good today... Nice that we have decided to go camping ' said Jin while shifting the gears.

' Jin! I think you may or may not know this... ' said Joon scratching his neck in confusion. ' Know what? Joon ' said Jin. ' Well, Yoongi hyung likes TaeEun sunbae ' said Joon. ' Oh that, I already know it Joon ' said Jin. ' So, Taehyung told you it seems ' said Joon. ' What!? No, actually yoongi hyung is pretty obvious. Anyone who sees the way he's looking at TaeEun hyung can get that he likes him for real ' said Jin focusing on the road.

' Well, I'm sorry if my public confession made you uncomfortable cuz I know you hate drawing attention to you. But, I can't help it to tell the world how much I like you... And you deserve all my love... ' said Joon holding Jin's hands and kissed his cheeks. ' Aww, honey you never made me uncomfortable. I was really happy, never would imagined that I would get proposed this way. And the song was a killer, you were missing only one thing... A rose ' said Jin chuckling. ' Here, let me make it up today ' said Joon , he then pulled out a red rose bouquet from the backseat and gave it to Jin. ' The what? Wow... It smells so good, they look pretty. What if I said daisy? You would have got me those? ' said Jin smiling and took pictures of them to post later. ' Actually yeah. I shortlisted your favorite flowers by likeness and mood and bought the top four. I got tulips too ' said Joon leaving Jin shook. ' Damn! My man is smart and romantic, what else do I need... ' said Jin and kissed his dimples.


' Chim ! Seniors arrived, come here ' said Taehyung and dragged him from the group of girls he was talking with. ' The mission today is to make simple lunchbox cakes which we practiced during the course of time but each has to have a theme and flavor justifying it. Now, let me introduce our special judge- ' said the head of cooking club. ' Dude your crush is here ' Taehyung whisper-yelled to Jimin. ' Welcome, Jeon Jungkook hyung from the sports major and Jung Jaeho sunbae from arts department ' said the MC  and announced the commencement of the battle. ' The hell Tae! You should have told me... ' said Jimin and went to their station. ' Even I don't know chim, now let's focus on making our cake ok? You can drool over him later during the judging '  said Taehyung and went back to get the ingredients. Twenty minutes went by and all were half done with their cakes. Taehyung picked winter theme. ' Chim! Why am I seeing you searching for cookie cutter when you need to be whipping cream right now? said Taehyung hopelessly knowing that his useless friend will be of no help. He made white forest cake suiting the theme winter and decorated it with pale blue icing making it look like ice flakes.

Jungkook received something which looked like a little box. He opened to see something wrapped in a foil with a piece of paper saying ,

' Hot dalgona flavoured Kookies for my sweet one <3  
                         - From Mimi '

He looked around the room hoping to make eye contact with the person who gave him these but he failed. He thought to himself ' So... Mimi is someone in this cooking club. Ahh.. There about 20 persons in this room, How do I find them?... '


AN : Damn the alignment for the textss😢I'm sorry it got messed up 😔

Merry Christmas ❤💚

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