22 - FRIEND?

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My Black moon - Namjin


Yoongi tapped the person and asked ' OH! TaeEun-ah? What are you doing here alone? ' and noticed the empty beer cans lying around him. ' Yoongi hyung! How do you appear whenever I feel like I wanna talk to someone? Anyways here ' said TaeEun handing him a beer can. Yoongi sat besides him and asked what happened. TaeEun explained on what he thought about Joon, and also said that he was rejected. Yoongi understood the reason behind his tear stains. He hugged him hoping it would console him. ' I'm not good with consoling people but I could say that maybe...it's just you and him weren't meant to be. I can see that you liked him so much, you seem so sad. Just think of it like he missed someone great like you, the hottest sunbae in the department ' said yoongi. TaeEun lifted his head and looked into yoongi's eyes. Yoongi stared back at him, both lost in each other's eyes. The atmosphere felt right and yoongi had the urged to move closer. He then kissed him deeply, but he pulled back instantly realizing what he did was a big mistake and looked at the ground not knowing what to do. What yoongi didn't expect is that, TaeEun pulled him and kissed him back.


Jin bumped into someone while rushing to the restroom to clean the stain caused by ketchup. ' I'm sorry- oh! Jimin-ah?! ' said Jin.
' oh! Jin, How have you been man? ' asked Jimin helping him to carry his things while he washes his shirt. ' Yeah, doing fine but have you seen Joon? He isn't showing up to the dorms lately. I kinda miss him but I can't say it. I'm stupid to be like this but can't do anything now ' said Jin drying his shirt. ' Even I haven't seen him much lately, But he's busy with the counsel work I think ' said Jimin giggling to himself. Jin thanked for helping him and went back to his class.


Yoongi was going to the library desk to return his books. Someone pulled him into the racks. ' TaeEun!? What are you doing? ' asked yoongi. ' I had to pull you cause you seemed to be desperately avoiding me duh! ' said TaeEun looking at yoongi who seemed to be nervous. ' I wasn't avoiding you ' said Yoongi. ' OK! Then why did you run away after the kiss? And even now you're trying to run away. You hiding something from me?! Wait, first what did the kiss mean? ' asked TaeEun. Yoongi stayed silent not wanting to say anything.

' Oh Come on hyung! If you're gonna stay silent like this, I'm just gonna conclude it as a mistake ' said TaeEun. Yoongi was kinda hurt that he called it a mistake, he frowned and said
' Yeah, it was '. ' So, we okay now? Cause I don't want to lose a good friend like you ' asked TaeEun.

Yoongi was hurt hearing the word ' friend ' , he held back his tears and swallowed the swear words he wanna yell at him and said ' Yeah, I guess '. TaeEun invited him to go to the festival together, yoongi hesitated but said yes as he still wanted to spend time with him. TaeEun walked back to his class. Yoongi looked at TaeEun walking away from him thinking he was stupid to assume that him kissing back had a meaning but it was just because he was drunk.


' Chim! You got 10 minutes to finish getting ready, we're already late for the festival you know! ' yelled Taehyung to Jimin whose busy styling his hair. ' I'm almost done, Why don't we take Jin with us? ' asked Jimin. ' Good idea man! Hyung seems sad and worried these days. Maybe this will cheer him up ' said Taehyung and texted Jin to get ready. They both dragged Jin to the festival venue saying that he needs a change of atmosphere. Jin seemed to love the vibe and enjoyed playing with Taehyung and Jimin while waiting for the performances.


AN : Back with another chapter 🥳✨ Seems like our boys gonna take a break, hope they rest well

Don't forget to vote nd share fellas 💜 Take care of your health too 😇

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