18 - The kiss

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My Black Moon - NamJin


Joon opened the door to his dorm and charged straight to the bed as he was tired and exhausted. Then, he noticed that the lights are not on and Jin is not there. He mumbled ' It's gonna be 1 am soon, Where is he? '. He called Jin but he didn't pick up. He thought he might have stayed over at Taehyung's and changed into his pajamas. He lay down and was going through his instagram feed. That's when he heard loud noise. Someone was banging on the door.

Joon was scared but he opened the door and surprised to see a drunk Jin yelling at the door knob. He seemed unstable. So, Joon put his hands around his shoulder and walked him to his bed. Jin threw his bags and phone on the bed. Joon made him sit on the bed and asked him whether he's ok or Is something troubling him. Jin started to cry loudly saying that he's messed up and nothing goes his way and yelled all the swear words he knew. Joon was concerned looking at the tear stains on Jin's face and hugged to comfort him. Jin stared at Joon for awhile then suddenly,he pinned him to the wall and cupped his cheeks smirking at him.

Joon was flustered but remained calm as he knows that Jin is behaving like that cause his drunk. He laughed at Jin thinking that he's gonna be embarrassed when he comes to his senses.
' You're so freaking cute smiling like that with those dimples , Do you know that's hella seductive? ' said Jin closing the distance between them. He kissed him slowly leaving Joon freeze at his place. Joon could taste the alcohol, the hot breath and Jin's musk and berry scent was intoxicating him. Jin stopped to catch his breath.

Joon licked his lips. He pulled Jin's shirt and kissed him back, their tongues exploring the tastes of each other's portal. Jin broke the kiss again but he threw him on bed and got on top of him. He started kissing his neck , licked and sucked it leaving a hickey. Joon slid his hands under Jin's shirt and stroked his back sending a shiver down Jin's spine. He then tossed around, switching their positions. And had another long make out session.

[ Time skip ]

Jin tossed around feeling lazy to get up , he looked at his side to see Joon sleeping besides him. He sat up in shock and tried to remember what happened after he came to dorm and mumbled
' Wait.. I came inside, Joon was there. He helped me to sit on my bed. And I cried?! Then he hugged me . Damn! That's all I remember, maybe I was crying so bad. So, Joon kept me company till I sleep and eventually fell asleep on my bed '. He felt Joon getting up. He then asked ' Why are you up? It's still early though '.

Joon got up as he got no reply and saw Jin zoning out. He tapped him, Jin asked ' Did something happen yesterday? I don't remember after you hugged me ' with a clueless face. Joon was disappointed and he felt inferior. He hid the incident , told that nothing happened and he should rest. He then showered and left to attend his classes.

Jin pulled himself together but the memory of the brother incident kept playing on his mind. He was relived that he had no classes and spent the whole morning on thinking what to do. He felt happy a little thinking that his brother was living near him all this while but annoyed thinking that it was TaeEun. He was confused cause his brother's name used to be Kim Seokjun not Kang TaeEun. He had a lot of things to ask him. But he was scared to face him. He thought about it carefully and decided to text him. He really wanted to meet his brother.

TaeEun's phone vibrated showing a text from Jin. He opened to see it saying ' Hey! It's Jin from blue dorm, Joon's roomate. I have something to discuss with you. Can we meet? '. TaeEun thought it was something about Joon and texted him back saying that they could meet during lunch.

Jin was nervous thinking that he's gonna meet his brother after like 8 years. He hesitated whether he should tell this to Taehyung but decided to meet TaeEun first to confirm that what the sender said is true or not. He headed out and waited  for TaeEun after texting him that he's in cafeteria. A group of people came inside, he could see TaeEun sunbae waving at him. He sat at the table with his lunch and asked Jin ' Hey! Jin. So, What's the thing you wanna talk about? ' and looked at him while chewing his burrito. Jin hesitated and drank water before he spoke as he was so nervous.

' Umm... I have a brother named Kim Seokjun ' said Jin. The name ' Kim Seokjun ' alerted TaeEun as it's been a while since he heard it. ' Well, a big incident happened and he ran away. I really wished he would come back as it's not his fault but he didn't. Recently, I received an anonymous mail saying that they found him and it includes my brother's picture but it was a picture of you, Are you Kim Seokjun? ' asked Jin with desperate eyes. TaeEun was stunned to hear Jin's words and can't believe that his little brother was Kim Seokjin as he thought they just had same names but he was really his brother. Tears escaped TaeEun's eyes,
' Are you saying that you're Kim Seokjin? My little brother! ' said TaeEun.

AN : *decent smut* alert! Watch me miserably fail tryna write some smut 👀😆

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