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My Black moon - NamJin


Jin hopped on the car, it drove him to somewhere and he got off in front of some building, it seemed oddly familiar but it wasn't a hospital. He tried to call his secretary he didn't pick up. So he turned around to look where he was and realized that the place he's standing is one of their guest houses. The doors opened and his secretary came out, he rushed to him yelling why was he brought to this place instead of the hospital. The secretary remained quiet and gestured him to go in. Jin was dumbfounded on what was happening, he turned around to run outside. But, the bodyguards stood on his side and dragged him in. Jin saw a familiar silloutte sipping tea inside the room.

' Appa? Why are you here? I thought you got into an accident. Are you hurt anywhere? ' said Jin and went near him to check for any wounds. His father gestured him to sit first. ' Seokjin, Listen to me first. I didn't get into any accident. I'm fine ' said dad. ' What are you saying? Then why would my secretary call me saying that you got injured badly? ' said Jin in frustration. ' I made him do that. You refused to meet me always. So, I thought you would finally come to see me if you're told that I'm hurt ' said dad. ' You're just too much appa, Why in the world you wanna see me? ' said Jin in a high tone as he was getting angry looking at his father's actions. ' I need you do something for me as my son. I want you to sign this ' said dad giving him a paper. Jin read the content and yelled ' Why should I give you my shares? It's the last thing my mom left for me' .

' Jin!! Keep your voice down. Your step mother did some scheme with your uncles and got the major amount of shares, she has mine too. If I don't do anything now , we would lose our company Jin. So, I plan to use your share which amounts to 35% and I have stakeholders on my side. Thus, I could easily win the company back with my plan. Now, Sign this fast. As my son, it's your duty to do that ' said dad.

Jin smirked at him can't able to believe what he heard. ' You cheated on my mom with that lady. We always told you not to be like this, not to marry her, told you million times that she's just preying your money. But, you went on and married her betraying my mom who lived all her life with just you in her heart. You deserve this actually, you're the sole reason I can't be with my brother and my mom right now. You always belittled me since I was young. You treated me as trash and called me everything a parent shouldn't call their child. Son? There was never a moment in my life that you felt like a father to me. How do you manage to disappointment me more and more every single time? ' said Jin with red eyes glaring at his father.

' Stop with your nonsense, I'm sick of you complaining. Now, Sign this paper and get out of here ' said dad. ' What the hell? I can't believe this shit. How low can you behave dad? Seems like you hate me and just want to use me as pawn. That's all... A mere use and throw paper... That's how you look and treat me. I'm done with your bullshit. I don't care about you or that damn company you have ' said Jin and rushed out. Tears that he had been holding gushed out, he got on the car he came and drove out of there. The car was going on a dangerous speed. Jin called Joon not knowing what to do.

' Joon... I got betrayed, I just can't tolerate anymore... I..I- ' said Jin crying loudly. ' Jin babe, What happened? I just came to our dorm now. Where are you? ' said Joon worried hearing Jin's weeping and the pain that's apparent in his voice. ' I'm heading there too, let's talk when I get there ' said Jin cutting the call and speeding up to reach there.


' Chim! You saw Jungkook's story? It says D-13 ' said Taehyung while making breakfast for his roomate. ' D-13? It sounds like a countdown. I have no idea what that means, I haven't texted him after the night stay ' said Jimin while arranging the table. ' What? It's been three days and you haven't texted hyung. Did he text you? ' asked Taehyung. ' Nope, But he called the next morning. I didn't pick up though, I was too scared and anxious to talk to him. The next day I remembered what happened that night. Now, I'm too embarrassed to face him ' said Jimin blushing thinking about how he woke up the morning to see his crush cuddling him. ' What to do chim, We're going to hyung's department for the morning class. I'm looking forward to tease you two ' said Taehyung laughing at Jimin.

Taehyung was standing at the entrance waiting for Jimin who was busy picking up the keys and books he dropped. ' Jimin, Don't tell me you're walking slowly and watching both sides hoping not to meet Jungkook hyung ' said Taehyung giggling at Jimin. ' Is it that much obvious tae? ' asked Jimin. Taehyung nodded and laughed at Jimin. Someone tapped taehyung's shoulders and asked them ' Who is Jimin? '. Jimin pointed at him. The girl gave a note to him and left the place. He opened it to see ' You're my caramel macchiato, so sweet that I melt everytime seeing your smile ' . Jimin smiled at the words and realised that it was anonymous, ' Seems like you're being hit on Jimin ' teased Taehyung. ' I'm sure someone's pranking me but I like note though ' said Jimin bumping into someone.


AN : It's a short one 😢😢 My brain went on a strike today. So, there might be some mistakes. I'm sorry for that 😔🤐


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