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My Black moon - Namjin


Jungkook was flustered so much that he didn't hear hobi calling for him. Taehyung came in and tapped Jungkook's shoulders. He quickly closed the device and came out to help them. Jungkook zoned out and remained silent for the entire meal. He seemed to avoid the eyes of Jimin who was sitting opposite to him. Taehyung noticed something wrong with Jungkook and Jimin, he decided to have a beer party in order to distract them. All grabbed beer bottles each and hobi pulled out the snacks he packed. Taehyung suggested to play drinking games saying that it would be fun. Jimin yelled ' Let's play Never have I ever ' and then realised he has dug his own grave. The bottle was spun, it landed on taehyung. Hobi asked ' Your last kiss? ',  Taehyung giggled and said ' 6 months back but it was a farewell kiss '.

' Don't worry hobi, both ended it mutually. So, it's not a big deal. You didn't hurt him by asking about it ' said Jimin. The bottle was spun again this time it landed on Jungkook. Hobi asked ' What's your relationship status? ' . Jungkook smiled shyly and hesitated to answer it for awhile.

Everybody started to tease him. Jimin pulled the beer glass in front of Jungkook and chugged it saying ' The knight drank it, he doesn't need to answer ' . Jimin wasn't ready to hear what Jungkook has to say so he drank his beer. He sat quietly in his place, he was clearly upset. Jimin stopped answering questions and just drank his beer instead for the rest of the game which resulted him getting drunk. At that point of time, the whole gang was half drunk and Jungkook was the only one half sober. He looked at his friends, Hobi sleeping on the couch, Tae talking with the floor and Jimin not seen anywhere. He picked up some blankets and put in on Hobi. Then, he laid Taehyung on the couch next to hobi. Jungkook came out of the room holding blankets for Tae and heard some thumping sound outside, he went out to see Jimin rolling near the door. He can't help but to giggle at what his secret admirer was doing. Jimin saw jungkook walking towards him , he tried to get up but tripped on air landing on his butt. ' Jimin! Let me help you ' said Jungkook and carried him bridal style to their room. He gently dropped him on bed and covered him with blankets. He looked at Jimin who was peacefully sleeping like a cute cat. He smiled at the scene. He suddenly felt a pull.

Jimin pulled him close to his face and smiled at him. ' You were awake the whole time? ' asked Jungkook trying to get out of his grip. ' Wanna sleep with me? ' said Jimin with a smirk. Jungkook was flustered, his ears turned red, he said ' THE WHAT? ' . ' Calm down Mr. Dirty mind, I maybe drunk but I won't take advantage of you. I'm used to tae cuddling me to sleep as he can't sleep without hugging anything. Now, I can't sleep alone. Wanna be my pillow? ' said Jimin with a not so innocent smile. Jungkook laughed and laid next to him on the bed with his hands under head, flexing those muscles. Jimin turned towards him and said ' You're handsome and cute, wanna marry me? ' . ' My gosh chim you're so drunk, you're gonna be embarrassed tomorrow when your memory kicks in ' said Jungkook and giggled well aware of the fact that he's being flirted with.

'Yeah, I'm not in my right mind. So, how's it going with your gf? ' asked Jimin.  ' I have a gf, I didn't know about that ' said Jungkook with a grin and turned facing Jimin. ' The guys were teasing you, I just thought you were shy talking about your gf ' said Jimin in a pout.

' Ahh..That..yesterday I got a confession from a freshman, Tae nd hobi saw it, that's why they were teasing me ' said Jungkook. ' Seems like I got a competition ' said Jimin in a whispering tone. ' Mm? You said anything? ' asked Jungkook even though he clearly heard what Jimin said. Jimin said nothing and looked at the ceiling. Jungkook asked ' So what about you chim? '. Jimin turned towards him and said
' Well, I have someone I like... ' .
' Great, you told them? ' asked jungkook. ' Nope.. Not yet ' said Jimin while looking out through the windows.

' What's stopping you then? ' asked Jungkook. ' A lot of things ' said Jimin. ' Like? ' asked Jungkook and adjusted his sweatshirt. Jimin sighed and said ' Mostly insecurity and fear of rejection to be honest, I'm a bisexual actually. Back in high school, I liked my best friend. He was my safe place. I thought he liked me too. My foolish brain thought of confessing to him on his birthday would be surprise. It was....for both of us. He despised me after that. I regretted what I did. That incident broke me and led to have trust issues. So, I can't bring myself to tell this person I like now that they mean so much to me, that I like them so much that they make me happy everytime I see them ' with glistening eyes. Jungkook on the other end knowing the person he likes is him was blushing with the indirect confession. He said ' Maybe this time it will be different. Not everyone you like will reject you jimin, I hope you will in believe yourself and tell them soon cause your worth of that someone's love ' and patted his head while smiling at him. Jimin smiled back and slowly started to fall asleep while holding the hem of Jungkook's sweatshirt. Jungkook looked at Jimin sleeping but his mind was filled with what he told him, and was thinking whether he likes him or not . He eventually fell asleep hugging him.


AN : The part two of this chapter will be updated soon. Damn! Even I'm doubting whether it's a namjin fanfic now 😆😆 I will include many namjin moments in the next part though 👀🥺

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