19 - Deja vu ?

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My Black Moon - Namjin


Jin nodded and said ' Yes, I'm Kim Seokjin. Hyung! How could you do this to me? Why did you disappear outta my life when I needed you the most? '. ' I'm so sorry Jin, When I saw you going through things that you don't deserve to, I lost my mind. I blamed myself thinking that if I had been a little attentive. Those things would have never happened. And I was young too, the option of running away and erasing my existence from the Kim family seemed as the best bet ' said TaeEun wiping Jin's tears. ' Yeah hyung I understand but you know what happened after? Our Mother died and Dad married the lady he was cheating with! It was like a living hell for me hyung! ' said Jin slamming the table.

' What!? Dad cheated and Mom is no longer alive? Damn! That's messed up Jin. I'm sorry once again, I grew up now. From now on, I'll never leave your side ' said TaeEun holding Jin's hands.
' I'm old enough to handle the humiliation hyung. Now that I found you please don't disappear again hyung. Promise? ' said Jin.
' Promise! But keep it a secret. I still hate our Dad and I don't plan on meeting him anytime soon ' said TaeEun patting Jin's head.

' Chim! How do you know that Yoongi hyung likes TaeEun sunbae? ' asked Tae munching on cookies. ' Hobi and Jungkook hyung told me about it. Sick love triangle right? ' said Jimin while cleaning their desks. ' I kinda wanna see Yoongi and TaeEun sunbae together. They oddly look good together. Do you think Joon likes Jin? ' asked Tae. ' I don't know but I'm not sure. They are bickering always and Joon seems to be done with Jin ' Jimin replied arranging their pens and notebooks. ' Exactly! Typical enemy to lovers basic you know. Jin really likes Joon, I can see it in his eyes. Let's see what happens ' said Tae and helped Jimin clean and arrange rest of the things on the desks.

TaeEun was waiting in the parking lot, he came earlier this time. A fluffy Joon wearing oversized sweat shirt paired with denims showed up. TaeEun's heart fluttered a little watching him walking towards his car slowly. As soon he got on, TaeEun gave him white camellias and asked him to guess the meaning. Joon thanked him for the flowers politely and just said he doesn't know the meaning. ' You're adorable ' said TaeEun poking Joon's dimples. Joon was flustered and didn't know how to react as he wasn't prepared for any of this. ' What!? That's the meaning of the flower. By the way, the sweat shirt looks cute on you ' said TaeEun driving to their destination.

Hearing TaeEun calling him adorable and cute reminded Joon of what Jin said to him last night. He thought whether he meant it when he kissed him. Joon sighed and contemplated whether he did the right thing hiding it from Jin. The car stopped with TaeEun saying that they have arrived.
' You said we're going shopping, Why are we in ikea? ' said Joon grabbing the shopping bags. ' I'm moving to the dorms. So, I need stuff for my room. Joon! Help me pick out my bed ' said TaeEun dragging Joon to the Bed section. TaeEun played around by bouncing on the bed saying that he was testing. This scene reminded Joon of when he came here with Jin and they rolled on the beds, giggling with the same excuse of testing. Joon's lips curved into a smile thinking about their visit to ikea and completely forgot about TaeEun who was staring at him. They then stopped by the nearby Italian restaurant for dinner. They both looked at the menus. TaeEun ordered shrimp pasta for both. Joon denied and changed his order to creme pasta saying that he has seafood  allergy. It reminded of him when Jin accidentally triggered his allergy and stayed all night looking after him at the hospital and even arranged a moonlight date to get to know him so that he could take care of him. All the memories of him being with Jin flashed by, he didn't realize that he was zoning out again ignoring TaeEun.

TaeEun waved at Joon grabbing his attention, he told him that his order is served. Joon smiled awkwardly and tasted his pasta.

' Joon, You seem absentminded all the while. Is there something going on with you? ' said TaeEun looking at him. Joon broke the gaze and told him that he's fine. He thought to himself ' Wait... I'm sure that I don't feelings for TaeEun sunbae. Then What about Jin? Why everything reminded me of him? Do I like him? '. He couldn't answer the questions his mind throwing at him. He felt confused and relived at the same time that at least he knows how he feels about TaeEun for sure now.

AN : Am I dragging the story too much? Is it boring? I'll try my best to make it interesting tho 😓

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