14 - Concern?

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My Black Moon - NamJin


The loud ass siren alarm sound filled up the room. Joon rolled from the other end of his bed and turned it off. He was still half asleep, he kicked his bedsheets and opened his eyes to see a pretty Jin getting ready. ' Got no classes? Going somewhere? ' asked Joon in his morning raspy voice rubbing his eyes. ' Yeah, No classes the whole day. Going on a date... ' said Jin checking his mobile for any text notifications. The word ' date ' woke Joon wide awake, he gasped asking ' Date? With who? You sure Jin? ' .

' My gosh, calm down Joon. The date is with my brother KIM TAEHYUNG and why are you surprised? Am I not allowed to go on a date? ' said Jin chuckling and grabbing his bags. Joon just stared at Jin leaving the door thinking to himself why he panicked a little when Jin said that he had a date 'Concern' maybe, he answered his question foolishly and picked up some fresh clothes to shower as he had a project meeting in an hour at the nearby cafe.

Jin went in and asked for the table saying it's reserved under the name Kim Taehyung. The waiter showed him the way , he settled down and waited for Taehyung who showed up 20 mins late. Jin glared at him but as usual Tae ignored it by flashing him his rectangular smile. Jin can't understand why this boy invited him to BBQ restaurant for breakfast he face palmed him thinking that he couldn't get any weird. Taehyung seemed to caught what Jin was thinking, he said ' I didn't eat anything yesterday except for some cereal as breaky hyung, that's why I called you to a BBQ restaurant. Let's feast on meat from the morning '. He then proceeded to cut the cooked meat to bite size pieces for both of them.

They talked about how their classes are going on and some casual stuff for awhile. Then Jin brought up the topic dating. Taehyung was giggling and asked whether he likes someone.
' Well... Liking that person I don't know but he's someone that I've never met before. I feel comfortable around him, he takes care of me and protects me. He's clumsy but does everything sincerely. He's clueless at sometimes but I find it cute. Whenever he smiles flashing his angelic dimples, I feel like my heart could jump out. Whenever I'm in close contact with him, it gives me butterflies Tae. Do I like him? ' said Jin. Taehyung covered his mouth in shock to know that Jin is crushing on somebody.
' Yeah you do for sure. You should have seen yourself talking about him, you were smiling like an idiot all the while. And Is it the person I'm thinking hyung? asked Tae curiously. ' Wait, Did u just called me an idiot Tae? You brat! Yes.. It's the person you have in mind. I think I have feelings for Joon ' said Jin grinning and blushing internally.

TaeEun arrived earlier to their project discussion, he ordered one latte for him and two ice americanos for others as per their request. The bell clinked ding ding, TaeEun looked eagerly at the entrance anticipating Joon. He was faced with a grumpy looking Yoongi striding his way in. Yoongi sighed looking TaeEun with a disappointed face but took his seat as he has no choice but to be present today. TaeEun explained him about the research details and outline for the presentation that they have planned. Yoongi nodded and started working on the presentation. Joon joined them with his hands occupied with the ice americanos and some pastries. He gave one to Yoongi and settled down on the empty seat next to TaeEun. Yoongi stared at the empty seat besides him and looked at his monitor ignoring all the giggles he's hearing from his teammates. Joon offered to help Yoongi but he denied saying that it's almost done and he already feels guilty for not helping with the research work. They both replied that he doesn't need to feel like that, now he's helping that's more than enough. Joon then excused himself and walked towards the bathroom. TaeEun waved at Yoongi grabbing his attention.
' Hey! I know we haven't spoke that much but I want a third person's opinion. So, here we go... You know Joon right, I think I have feelings for him. I'm contemplating whether to confess or not. What do you say? ' said TaeEun and stared at Yoongi waiting for his answer.

Yoongi felt frustrated to hear those words but acted like nothing. He encouraged TaeEun to confess and rushed on finishing the presentation as he wanted to run away from the place that instant. Joon returned to TaeEun sitting alone and asked where Yoongi went. TaeEun replied that he went just now after completing the presentation saying he had some emergency stuff to attend to. Joon nodded sat on Yoongi's seat and checked the presentation for any changes. TaeEun tapped the macbook grabbing the younger's attention. Joon tilted his head and looked at him. ' Well... Do you happen to have time after the presentation tomorrow Joon? ' asked TaeEun after hesitating for awhile. Joon nodded saying he's free after 6 pm and they agreed to meet at the parking lot.

Hobi pushed the first floor button and plopped down and Jungkook leaned on him whining that the day couldn't get any worse. They had different dance practices all day as the dance club is gonna perform in the upcoming festival. They slowly treaded towards their room. They reached 614 soon , Jungkook picked up a key with a keychain saying shooky lying next to the doormat and asked hobi whether it belongs to him. Hobi answered that its Yoongi's bike key and they went in. They saw someone lying on their bed with blankets covering them. They both panicked and slightly pulled the blanket but was relieved to see that it was Yoongi. They went close to wake him up but they were shocked to see his red puffy eyes and he was reeking of alcohol. Jungkook lifted Yoongi and made him to sit. Yoongi started to weep seeing those two and hugged them asking What can he do now? in a weak voice due to all the crying.

AN : I will be updating more chapters 🥳 I'm kinda addicted to the song same page by Tilly birds👀 ✨

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