9 - The Rumor

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My black moon - Namjin


Jin clicked the link shared in his class chatroom which redirected to a post on the university website.

" Members on the students counsel rumored to be dating... "

The caption said with the cropped picture of two people's leg intertwined. Jin knew who one of them was. Tae urged towards him asking is this related to those rumors that Jimin was talking about. Jin nodded slowly pointing out the socks saying that it's a freebie which he and Namjoon got when they were shopping. Taehyung can notice the disappointment in Jin's face. But he distracted him by claiming that these groundless rumors are just gossips and false information, not to believe them and reminded him that they're in the middle of grocery shopping to distract him. Jin pulled himself together and picked the rest of ingredients he needed. Then they went back to the blue dorm.

The party took place on the rooftop. Hobi was busy cleaning and arranging the plates. Jungkook was in charge of the camp vibes setup that they decided to go for. And Jimin was helping out Jin who was busy cooking a variety of dishes. Taehyung was just goofing around getting on the older ones nerves. Finally, they were done and were waiting for Namjoon. An hour passed by, Jin and Jimin were losing their patience. When they were about to call him, they heard someone opening the rooftop gate. Joon showed up but he had a guest with him. Everyone tilted their heads to see the one behind Joon. Jimin ran to him saying ' TaeEun sunbae! Wow, What a surprise. Did Namjoon invite you? '. TaeEun smiled and looked at Joon. ' Yeah, he was with me when you guys called to invite me. As he had no plans I just dragged him here ' said Joon scratching his neck and smiling back at him. ' What! I thought Joon only had me, When did he befriend the hottest sunbae of our department ' teased Jimin ignoring the frowning Jin. The plates were passed and dishes were served. Jin was absentminded thinking about the scene he saw in the counsel room, the rumor post, the sock and the way Joon is behaving with TaeEun sunbae got on his nerve thinking whether they were truly dating. He just felt red flags coming and strange on why he was thinking about this so much. Hobi got Jin's attention saying that the pasta is so delicious, rest of them agreed with him making the chef happy. But it didn't last long.

' Guys, the picture is posted again without being being cropped but.. ' said Jimin stuttering and showed the post. It was the picture of Joon and TaeEun sunbae. Joon was perplexed on why the situation turned out like this. In a fraction of second, the post got popular and a lot of comments were posted defaming Namjoon. Joon had his head down not believing what's happening. Taehyung and Jungkook got angry saying its wrong passing false information like this and cyber bullying them for that. Jin pulled TaeEun by his collar, obivous anger in his eyes , asked him ' What have you done ? This is posted obviously by one of your fangirls out of perhaps jealousy. But why did it have to be Namjoon? Why does he have to be the only one suffering? ' making the crowd go silent. TaeEun calmed him down by saying that he no idea that it would happen and he will take responsibility for it, he turned to Joon hugged him saying that he's sorry and it's his fault and dashed out through the door. Joon was silent making everyone worried. Taehyung tapped him but he didn't get up. Jungkook lifted him up and shocked to see Joon passed out and red rashes on his neck. Jimin looked around but there were only food and drinks, he then looked at Joon's plate which consisted of unfinished pasta. He then yelled whether the pasta had shrimps. Jin nodded saying it has salted prawn paste. Jimin panicked saying that Joon has seafood allergy for god's sake. Jin was shocked, he then lifted Joon with the help of Jungkook. They rushed him to the nearby hospital. Everyone was waiting outside while the doctor was checking Joon's state. Jin felt guilty on not knowing something so important with Jimin glaring at him, Taehyung and hobi comforted him. Jungkook came back saying the nurse is calling for them. They rushed in , the doctor informed them that Joon is fine and good thing that he ate only small amount of seafood in an indirect way. And just needs some rest till the medicines kick in. Everyone was relieved to hear that.

The clock ticked 11 , Hobi reminded them it's almost their curfew time. Jin advised them to go back and that he would take care of him. After sending them back, Jin lay down next to Joon. He felt bad  and said ' I'm sorry Joon, it's all my fault . I can't believe that I almost killed you. Never knew that you had seafood allergy I should have asked but was absentminded all day. You put up with me, took care of me and was considerate towards me. I was always causing trouble to you just like now, seems like they were right calling me a trouble maker and rude jerk. I should have looked out for you but was distracted by TaeEun sunbae to be honest.. ' said Jin a silent tear escaping his eyes. He felt warm hands patting his head. He looked up to see Namjoon looking at him. ' It's not your fault, don't blame yourself for that. I was the one who never told you about my allergy then how could you know. And I'm sorry for ignoring you for the past two weeks. I didn't mean to though. The event that we were preparing for is almost done, so I'll make it up to you in the upcoming weeks. About that post.. I don't know whether you will believe me or not. There's nothing going on between me and TaeEun sunbae, he's just a kind and friendly sunbae to me and nothing more. I just felt like telling you.. ' said Joon flashing his dimples. Jin felt warm looking at him smile and thanked him for telling this and promised to take care of him the upcoming days.

AN : Is the plot readable? I don't know why I'm being pessimistic today 😢👀 

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