15 - Yoongi's Secret

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My Safe Place - Namjin


Hobi wiped the tears stain on Yoongi's face and enquired why he's crying this much. Yoongi stared at them for awhile and cleared his throat to say ' You know what! I have a crush... No had maybe. It's no use to cry about it now but I can't help it cause it hurts so much. You may not know cause you guys kookie and hobie wasn't present in my freshmen year. Actually, one day the school students had a tour in our university. It was like a orientation stuff to explain about our university. I was forced to volunteer because of my roommate. I was waiting near the entrance to guide the students. A bunch of them got down the school bus. I was weak and tired cause of the night shifts I used to work. I took a step and miserably tripped but fortunately someone grabbed me. I opened my 
eyes to be faced with a tall boy, honey brown eyes, fluffy hair holding me. The sun shining on him making his skin glow didn't help much. I thanked him and ran to the nearby building to hide my blush. I didn't know at that time I was foolishly falling at first sight for someone I shouldn't. He was the student council president I think, he was kind and nice to everyone. He looked out for all the students the thing I liked the most about him. I was hiding the whole time from him as I know I'll behave like an idiot cause I was nervous around him. It was lunchtime, we headed to the cafeteria. I searched for any empty seat left but there wasn't any. Someone tapped my shoulder, I turned to see him pointing at their table saying that they have seat left and to join them if I don't mind. I panicked literally and sat opposite to him. He smiled at me and asked which major I'm doing. I stuttered and answered that I'm majoring on drama and arts when I'm obviously not. I don't know I just found drama majors cool that time. His friends were funny and I was laughing at their childish pranks. He then called me fucking CUTE! And my dumb heart fluttered. They headed back and I searched for him but no luck. My freshmen year passed by, but one day I was grabbing some donuts for lunch. Then I saw someone who looked like him at the signal. I rushed near him. It was him. But he was on his mobile walking when the signal was yellow. A motorcycle was racing towards him but I pulled him before it could reach him. I fell down on the process and sprained my ankle but I was fast to hide from him. I don't know why I felt like I can't face him at that time. Like I said Foolish me always! ' said Yoongi interrupted by Jungkook yelling ' Don't tell me hyung that you rode the bike in that sprained ankle state and that's how you got into accident? '. Yoongi nodded saying yes and yelled back to let him finish and continued saying ' Yeah, I missed him. I returned back when you guys were on sophomore year. As you guys nagged me to go to a hospital, I went to one. I was about to head out after the checkup but I  saw him standing outside a room. I went near and realized that he was eavesdropping but his eyes were welled up with tears. The door was about to open. So, I pulled him to into the small gap nearby. I asked something to see whether he remembers me but he frowned saying No and I stormed out. It hurt me a little but I thought he could not remember me cause I was hiding most of the time whenever I was around him. So, I decided to start fresh cause I still liked him. My heart fluttered when he sat besides me during the elective lecture I attended. I was happy and decided to speak to him but he ignored me. Whenever I was with him, I felt like I was invisible to him cause he was busy looking at someone else. Then, one day he comes to me and tells me that he has feelings for Joon and says he's gonna confess. I felt like shit but it was too late to tell that I like him. That's when I knew how much I liked him. The scene of him calling me cute was still fresh in my memory but why did the situation turn out to be like this now? I can't do anything now ' said Yoongi wiping his tears. They both felt concerned looking Yoongi being so sad and vulnerable, the side that they have never seen. They consoled him. ' Hyung! The person you like... Is it TaeEun by any chance? ' asked hobi. Jungkook stared at him waiting for the reply. ' Yup, how do you guys know? Was I that obvious ' said Yoongi and proceeded to throw up, the alcohol was making him dizzy. Hobi and Jungkook gasped at each other. They helped Yoongi lay down and dialled Jimin not knowing what to do.

AN : I know this chapter is full of Yoongi but that baby deserves more. Now I feel sad 😭

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