4 - Pleasant Encounter

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My Black moon - namjin


After taking an awful lot of wrong turns, Jin turned right towards his department while Joon went left for his. Joon was walking towards the common hall while checking his messages. All he saw was the unread ones angering him. His best friend who got in the same university as him wasn't responding to any of his messages. Joon was eager to meet him but he doesn't even know which department he's in making him feel kinda lonely. He was about to settle down in the common hall but he saw a familiar pink hair to his best friend's . He smacked him saying you little shi- but shocked to see an unknown face. He heard someone calling him at the middle row, it was his best friend. He quickly apologized to the one he hit and ran to the middle row in embarrassment. His friend was laughing his head off while Joon was yelling ' Yahh! Park Jimin when did you color your hair to caramel, Why didn't you to respond to my texts. Since you said we were in the same college I was looking forward to it and where the hell were you this whole time '. Jimin was still laughing that he can see fumes from Joon's head but stopped seeing his angered face saying ' Joon catch your breath, you should been rapper but now stuck in this major '. Joon side eyed him asking to answer his questions. Jimin said he got some personal stuff to take care off and that took longer than he expected. And he came to the university this morning, was busy with unpacking so, had no time to reply. Joon seemed to cool down a little and asked him about his dorm and stuff. Jimin said that he's staying in the orange dorm , Room 1330 and his roommate is yet to come. Joon nodded and felt something odd and turned to catch the one he smacked staring at him.

Jin was almost done with his orientation session. His phone lit up showing his step brother text saying ' Hyung! I'm back in seoul, heading to my university now '. Jin texted back that he wants to see him and which university he got in. His brother texted that he got into Yoxxei university, theatre arts major. Tears almost welled up in his eyes knowing that he can see him again after seven damn years and they will be studying in the same university and in the same major too. Jin was overwhelmed and prayed that this session would end earlier. He texted him back asking when would he reach the university. With the session closing, Jin ran back to the main entrance ignoring all the weird looks he's getting. He reached the parking lot, catching his breathe he saw someone unloading the luggages. He ran upto to him and said ' Taehyung-ah, Is it you? '. The boy turned back surprised to see Jin and nodded yes with tears welled up. Jin hugged him tightly said that he missed him. He had a lot of questions to ask but he held back thinking Taehyung should rest first. Jin then escorted him to his dorm and helped with the unpacking.

Joon was perplexed with someone staring at him. Jimin was giggling at Joon's face turning red slowly , gaining weird looks from the seats besides them. They both were heading out to get some food but stopped by someone. The unknown man grabbed Joon, pulling him closer and Whisphered something to him. All were stunned at this scene. Jimin went to the group behind them and asked them who that man was. They said the man dressed in dark brown Thom browne open cardigan on top of white collared shirt paired with denims is TaeEun sunbae. The most popular sunbae in the department who came to moniter the orientation as he's the head of student counsel. Joon came back and Jimin was curious on what that sunbae said to him.

AN : Hey fellas 👋🏼 Here's the double update!! Don't forget to vote and support this fic if u like it 💜 We'll be back with more chapters soon..

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