20 - Jin's decision

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My Black Moon - Namjin


Taehyung and Jin were waiting for their orders to be served. Someone tapped Jin's shoulders , they turned to see a cheerful hobi and an happy Jungkook flashing his bunny smile. They smiled back and sat by the nearby bench to have their lunch.

' Damn! Why the cafeteria is bustling today? ' asked TaeEun looking for any empty seats. ' OH! Found em , Wait Tae? ' said Jimin playfully choking Tae's neck. Joon looked at Jin but the other doesn't seem to notice him. Jin smiled at TaeEun and moved aside saying ' Hyung! Sit here ' . All were shocked cause whenever these two were in the same place, it felt like a battle field. Jin changed his expression to frown and said ' I was talking to Yoongi y'all ' and made him sit next to him.

TaeEun sat next to Joon naturally. Later, he patted him when he choked, gave his choco pudding and held his hands while they eat. Everyone gave ' That's suspicious ' look. Taehyung playfully teased saying that people might think they're couple. ' Well, I don't care cause I like him anyways ' replied TaeEun while looking at Joon.

All Joon could think was what Jin would think hearing TaeEun sunbae's words. He was looking at him but Jin was staring at TaeEun while the rest were glancing at Yoongi. Taehyung realized what he did and dragged Yoongi to the restroom saying that they would be back after buying drinks. Jin then looked at Joon feeling sad at why he isn't saying anything like I don't like him or anything cause the silence was killing him making him jealous of his own brother.


Jin texted TaeEun whether they could meet. TaeEun said that they could after the classes and sent him an address.

Jin knocked on the door which seemed to be similar to the mansion he was living before. The door opened and his uncle greeted him leaving him utterly shocked. He then explained how he took in his brother after he found him in an orphanage near Jeonju and promised not to tell his family until TaeEun wants. Uncle calmed Jin by patting him saying that he was safe and was doing fine with him. TaeEun came down and looked at Jin crying while hugging uncle. He rushed to him and calmed him saying that shit happens and he's doing fine now.

They then played video games like old times. TaeEun suggested Jin to stay over for dinner as it's getting late anyways. Jin nodded and asked ' Can you cook now hyung? ' . ' Nope, still at the
" Might as well burn the kitchen" stage. Jin giggled and pulled the pans and placed it on the stove saying he'll cook.

Jin made chicken noodle soup and some fried rice to go with it. TaeEun sat next to him at the dinner table, they talked about casual stuff like how they have been. Jin hesitantly asked
' Hyung! Do you like Joon for real? ' . TaeEun smiled and said
' Yes Jin, I think I like him a lot. The first day I saw him, he actually misunderstood me for someone else and smacked me. Then, we got to know each other during the counsel work. My heart eventually gravitated towards him and he became a special person for me '

Jin was quietly listening to what his brother was saying and held his tears back. He was deeply hurt but faked a smile cheering his brother pretending to be fine.

[ Time Skip ]

Jimin tapped Tae whose sleeping besides him saying to get the door while he was working on his assignment. Taehyung grumbled but opened the door to see Jin. He looked pale and sad. Both were concerned and asked what's going on with him.

' Well, I have something to say... You guys know TaeEun right! He's actually my brother who ran away when we were young ' said Jin hesitantly looking at Taehyung. ' What!? TaeEun sunbae is my step brother!? Hyung, how long have you known this? ' yelled Taehyung in shock. ' Just a couple of days back Tae and I wasn't planning on telling you this but have to if I'm gonna tell you about another thing... Which is... I'm gonna wash away my feelings for Joon. I met our brother yesterday, and when he talked about Joon I felt love in his eyes... ' said Jin interrupted by Jimin asking ' But you love him too? '.

' Yeah, but he was in orphanage after he ran away till my uncle found him, he suffered a lot. I feel like I stole everything he deserved. If this love makes him happy, then I'm just gonna give it him. It's the least I can do for him ' said Jin. ' I understand what you're tryna say, but hyung! But that doesn't mean you have to give up on Joon and What if Joon likes you too? It's like you're breaking his heart and yours at the same time! ' yelled Taehyung holding Jin's hands. ' I'm sure he doesn't like me that way and even if he does... If I hide my feelings.. Then he may forget me and accept TaeEun hyung '.

' Aarrghh ' screamed Taehyung and stormed out the dorm as he couldn't see his brother being stupid anymore knowing how much it would hurt him at the end.


AN : Hey fellas! Another update 🥳🥺✨ A lot is going with my life rgt now... That's why I haven't updated. But, I'm gonna update this one frequently so no biggie. Wait! Heard Super Tuna by Jin?

Don't forget to Vote and share guys 💜💜 That's means a lot to me 💯🤗

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