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My Black Moon - NamJin


Jimin's phone vibrated continuously, he peeked to see 5 missed calls from Hobi and Jungkook. He texted them saying he'll be there in 5 minutes once this lecture gets over. He rushed back to the blue dorm thinking what happened that they called him this many times. Jimin opened the door and was faced with a puffy and red eyed Yoongi, he was shocked. He swiftly hugged him asking What's wrong? Hobi and Jungkook explained the situation. Jimin was heartbroken seeing Yoongi this sad and consoled him saying ' Hyung! I don't know what to say but Why don't you try to confess? Or you will regret not telling him. Oh my I know I sound stupid. But it hurts to see you like this Yoongi hyung ' and patted his head. Yoongi replied ' I'm not dumb enough to confess to him when he already has feelings for someone guys. And I don't think I can face a rejection right now. I made my mind to just wash away this feelings and just be friends with him. That's the best for both of us ' . Everyone looked concerned but there's no way that Yoongi would change his decision.

[ Time Skip ]

' Joon! Check whether you have the flash drive ' Jin reminded him as Joon seemed nervous. Joon checked his belongings for the last time and rushed to his class. Their group was the first to present. TaeEun and Joon was shocked to see a weak and exhausted Yoongi. They tapped him asking whether he's ok and he replied that he's just tired and he's fine. They proceeded presenting their work. The professor complimented them and appreciated their efforts. They then went to their other classes with TaeEun reminding Joon about their date and Joon nodded smiling cheerfully.

Joon arrived at the parking lot. He was waiting for TaeEun sunbae. Suddenly, a sexy red BMW Z4 parked near him. The top slowly opened revealing TaeEun sunbae who was waving at him and gesturing him to get on the car. Joon hopped in thinking that TaeEun sunbae is rich af. They then drove for awhile. The car stopped waking up the half asleep Joon. He got out to see a far stretched beach in front of him. Joon got excited and ran like a kid towards the beach. TaeEun quickly followed him to see Joon playing with waves. TaeEun joined him and they played together.

TaeEun said that they have another place to stop by. He blindfolded Joon by covering his eyes with his hands and led the way. TaeEun then removed his hands saying ' Tada! It's pretty right? '. Joon was astonished to see the pretty view and he looked around to realize that he was standing on a light house. Joon was completely caught off guard. He was so happy cause he always wanted to go to one. They watched sunset together. There was silence between them but it was the comfortable kind. Both had some healing time looking at the view. TaeEun slowly held Joon's hands and said ' Joon... I have something that I need to tell you ' . Joon nodded implying him to say. TaeEun hesitated for a few seconds and proceeded to say ' Well, I'm not the caring type but whenever I'm around you I wanna take care of you, make you smile, make you happy. You're kinda cute when you smile though and charming as hell. Joon... I think I like you. What do you say? '. Joon was surprised to hear TaeEun confessing to him. He can't believe that it's happening and thought to himself that the Jimin brat won the bet. He replied that ' I'm not sure TaeEun sunbae but Can you give me some time to think? '. ' Yeah, Think about it carefully. You can answer me anytime ' said TaeEun screaming internally that he finally confessed to Joon.

AN : Damn! We're done with the first confession more to go 😆 *spoiler alert*

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