2 - Coincidence?

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My Black moon - NamJin


Namjoon sighed at his clumsy ass and looked at the man standing in front of him saying no words. Joon felt guilty and stuttering saying that he would get him a new one or pay him back. The tall man looked at him and smirked saying ' I don't think so you could '. Joon's angry level raised making his voice raspy and deep. He said ' What made you think so, I said what I said. As you could see I'm a freshman here means I'm gonna be here for the coming days and years. So, if you could tell me your name , it will be easy for me to search for you when I get your useless sunglasses back '

The tall man came close scanning him making Joon flustered and said ' You got some guts I see, Well.. My name, You can ask that crowd. I'm a busy guy to answer some blind one calling mine useless ' then hopped on his car and drove away. Joon was obviously angered and he threw the broken pieces in the nearby trash can, grabbing his luggage mumbling under his breath that he wish to never meet that rude jerk again. He soon reached the dorm division and headed towards the volunteer booth. The booth was filled with sophomores (sunbae) guiding the freshmen. Joon went to the last queue and tapped the black haired one.

A boy slightly shorter than him with doe eyes smiled at him brightly asking how he may help. Joon introduced himself saying he's kim Namjoon, freshmen from department of Astrophysics. The sophomore also introduced himself saying he's Jeon Jungkook, sophomore , fine arts major. They shook hands and Jungkook guided him to the registration booth. Joon filled up some applications , payed the fee and he was done with the process , Jungkook handed him the dorm card and some college goods. They walked towards the blue building. Jungkook asked whether it's the first time for Joon living in a dorm apart from the hometown. Joon nodded saying that he's looking forward to it. They reached his room 613 , Joon thanked him with Jungkook smiling and running back to escort another freshmen.

On opening the door , half white room with minimal furniture came to display. Two windows each near the bed.
' Wait!  Two beds? Does that mean I'll get a roommate. Ah.. It's my first time sharing room with someone, hope someone good who matches with me should come ' said Joon to himself and started to unpack. With all the unpacking done, Joon was thinking about the interior and decided to buy it later as he saw ikea and some department stores nearby. A stomach growling sound was heard, Joon missed his breakfast trying to catch the train. He took his wallet , dorm card and his black and blue stripped flannel. While he was about to go out , the door slammed opened on his face making him groan in pain. All he could see standing behind the door was the unending suitcases coming in.

Grabbing his nose, Joon came out to see his roommate. He's faced with a familiar silhouette frowning his eyes Joon saw his roommate. A tall man, the same one he wished to never meet.
' Fuck my luck, out of all those freshmen why Do I have to be roommates with this rude jerk ' said Joon grabbing the tall man's attention. He smirked again saying ' Fuck my luck too, How did I end up with this clumsy ass blind man ' .
' What? Stop it Jin ,You're being so mean right now ! ' said Joon glaring at him.
' Interested in me it seems, Did you ask the crowd my name? What an idiot ' said Jin lying down on his bed.

' Not an idiot like someone in this room , the suitcases have your name on them. Interest? Let me correct it  DISGUST ' said Joon snapping back at him. ' At least you seem smart and got wits. So, use that to know your limits and how to behave as my roommate ' said Jin looking at Joon.

Joon was at his limit so to avoid any fights , he grabbed his wallet and card , walked away to get his dinner. After he walked way, Jin began to unpack and laugh at his roommate's temper as he knows that he's an annoying person and it needs patience to withstand him. Joon was on his mobile searching for any nearby convenience stores not wanting to spend too much money on the first day. He walked for awhile then he bumped into someone. An orange haired boy who looks similar to his age turned to look at him asking what a freshmen doing out at this night hour. Joon gave him a confused look getting a reply from the orange hair saying that he knew cause he saw him move into the room 613 and introduced himself ' I'm Jung hoseok, you can call me hobi. Sophomore living at 614 ' Joon smiled and greeted him saying that it's glad to meet him and he's out to get some food. Hobi guessed that he's on his way to get dinner and told him that he would show the legendary shop that will help him throughout his college days.


See you on Chapter 2 👀😄


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