3 - Roommate Things

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My black moon - Namjin


They were walking towards an alley. Joon was looking around the streets that was filled with people even at the late hour. Hobi asked what Joon majors in and was surprised to hear astronomy. As the blue dorm was for art majors wondering why he was put in that, Hobi showed him the 4-storey building standing proud at the  back of the university. Joon was pleasantly surprised at the building bustling with people. Hobi took him to the 2nd floor showing him the stalls saying it's the food floor and the stalls are like those ones in markets and the food is so good here and good for health too as its homemade. The older one continued to say that it's pity that the food floor closes on 9'o clock sharp. Joon realizing that it's 11 past ten ( 11.10 pm) now. But was dragged to the third floor ' The heaven ' floor. Joon rushed in to the convenience store as he was hungry. While picking out the drinks, Joon noticed the stairs leading to the upper floor. He climbed them reaching the  4th floor and let out a scream on seeing it. Hobi panicked and rushed to the floor just to see a smiley and jumpy Namjoon. Joon dragged hobi to all aisles half screaming why a Japanese style convenience store exists here. Joon picked out his favourites saying how much he missed them since he moved back. Hobi paid for it saying it's the welcome treat.

Jin wandered around the dorm cursing under his breath on why his mobile died out of battery. He tried going out to get his dinner but unfortunately its past the curfew time. He returned to his room, he saw a bag lying on his bed. He was surprised to see packed meals and double happy that it's the Japanese ones that he had back when he was a transfer student. He wondered who brought it as he couldn't call his manager and realized 'who' on hearing the water drizzling in the shower room. He began to eat with a smile painting his face. Joon came back from the shower with wet hair and water dripping on his torso. Jin chocked on his food which grabbed the younger attention. Jin blabbered saying ' I wonder who bought this inedible meals ' .

' Says the one who ate them deliciously ' replied Joon smirking at him.
' Were you watching me? Stalker! ' said Jin on panic. ' The world doesn't revolve around you Jin ' said Joon with Jin saying I think it already does in a boss bitch tone. ' Do you have any siblings ? If I had to deal with you I would run away ' said Joon jokingly.
' Now, I know the reason why my brother ran away ' said Jin in a dark tone pulling his blankets. Joon felt bad and awkward silence filled the room. Good thing sleep embraced them slowly.

Jin woke up to the siren sound panicking that something happened but annoyed seeing that its from Joon's mobile. He smacked him yelling who tf has siren sound as his alarm tone. Joon woke up with a stinging pain on his cheek and defended back that he's a deep sleeper and needs something like that to wake up. Dumbfounded Jin went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He chocked on seeing a naked Joon rubbing his eyes and coming towards the bathroom. He slammed the door close, blushing internally yelling who the hell sleeps naked in winter with Joon yelling that it's summer for god's sake. The morning started with their as usual bickerings.

The clock ticked 8 past 25 (8.25 Am) As Jin opened the door to head out, he was grabbed by wrist and turned around facing Joon.  Joon asked when his classes ends and Jin answered maybe around 3 pm. And Joon suggested on shopping together for the interiors and stuff. Jin nodded ok , pushing Joon's hand and dashed saying he's late for his morning classes. Joon smirked at his new interest dashing through the wrong way.

AN : I know it's a short one 😢👀
But I will compensate it with double update weehh~~


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