Chapter 45

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Mia's POV

Damon's hand slams against the wooden table "Look at me!" He yells, grabbing Bianca's and Rugger's sonder eyes off the floor to his direction. I stay standing behind him not knowing if I should step in or let Damon handle this. He's too angry right now and I cant bare to watch things get out of proportion.

Bianca's heart is pacing as she side eyes Rugger. Rugger is pretending to not look phased. He leans the palm of his hand onto his forehead like he's the one here with a headache? He's annoyed. Bianca on the other hand looks like she's about to make a run for it. She's ashamed and I can see why. They look so lost, so scared wondering what Damon will do or say next.

I slowly and gently put my hand on Damon's arm, at first I hesitate a little but he lets me. He lets me touch him and suddenly I get that urge of relief. I stare at him with sympathetic eyes as his shoulders relax a little.

"You like putting shit up ur nose?"  Damon startles us as he says it with a straight expression.

Rugger gives Damon a faint look without an answer.

Damon grabs onto the bag of cocaine and aggressively throws it at Rugger. He flinches from the bag hitting the side of his face and he clearly doesn't look happy when he gives Damon a death stare.

Damon's nostrils start to flare and he looks completely different from how he looked just three seconds ago.

"Show me how you do it."

Bianca looks just as confused as I do.

"Open the fucking bag." Damon's loosing patience.

"Damon." I press but he completely ignores me.

Rugger licks his lips. He opens the bag and lines the cocaine.

"Put more." Damon demands. I start to worry.

Rugger obliges and pours maybe way too much. Before he takes a hit he looks up at Damon. Rugger sniffs up almost the whole line. He squirms and shakes uncontrollably.

"Again." Damon flatly says with no expression formed onto his face.

My hearts starts to beat faster and faster as I watch Rugger. This is not okay! "Stop it Damon. Please."

Bianca raises her brows and looks away. This bitch! Why does she think it's okay to sell things like this to kids. I'm not saying this isn't Rugger's fault but she's much older and knows better. What am I kidding. She's equal to a child especially the way she acts. It's disgusting.

Rugger doesn't think twice and he quickly lines up, inhales almost all of it. His nose starts to bleed and I can't take it anymore. What is Damon trying to prove? This is just awful.

I stumble towards Rugger and kneel down in front of him. I use the back of my shirt to wipe his bloody nose. He looks like he's about to pass out as his eyes roll to the back of his head. I hold onto his face and push back his damp hair and feel the sweat from my fingers. I panic and call out Maxen's name.

Maxen comes around from the corner and stands there frozen as he looks at the open bag of cocaine and back to his brother. I call out his name again and he finally snaps out from zoning. I tell him to take Rugger to the kitchen and to give him a big glass of water.

"Get the fuck out." Damon tells Bianca as he stays seated.

Bianca stays seated for awhile as she stares at him. He doesn't even look her way. "Damon.."

"Get the fuck out." He spits. "If I ever see your face again I won't budge to put a bullet through your head." His words come out flatly.

She looks absolutely shocked. She runs out the door not even bothering to close it. I hate her so much. I hate this! I let this happen!

I've never been so angry, upset and disappointed in so long. I look down at the blood on my shirt from Rugger's nose as my hands start to shake. Just when Damon gets up from the couch, I get off my knees. My anger takes a toll on me. I walk up to him as he watches me. "Mia.." I slap him across the face, it's like he didn't even feel a thing. I hit him again and again at his face and chest. I lose control.

He grabs onto my neck and pushes me back against the wall. My head gently hits against the wall behind me as he keeps his whole hand around my neck, nearly my jaw.

My eyes start to water as he looks into my face. My chest rises and drops as I catch my breath.

"Take your hands off of me." My words come out slowly demanding as I look into his eyes with pure anger. I am so utterly angry at him that I can't put it into words. It's all so frustrating.

Damon aggressively let's go of my neck. But he forms his hand into a fist and gently gives me a nudge at my jaw while he makes a clicking sound with his tongue. As if he were trying to pretend to strike at it.

His eyes don't leave mine once until he looks down at my breast that reveals from my top. Now to think of it, this bra has been bugging me, my breasts keep falling out of it whenever I move around. It's way too tight on me and uncomfortable. I want to take it off.

The corner of his lips lift a little as he looks down at them. He comes closer to me but I push at his chest "Ugh." I walk away from him to the kitchen where I can find Rugger and Maxen.

I'm not in the mood with his little playful gestures. He's completely pissing me off. This whole week he's been such a complete careless asshole.

I find Maxen sitting in the kitchen completely zoned out staring at Rugger who's passed out drooling onto the kitchen table.

I panic and run to check his pulse. Maxen stares at me like im some maniac. His pulse is still beating I tell myself in my head. I sigh and sit next to them.

"What happened?" I was afraid he would ask me that.

"I really don't want to talk about it Maxen."

He slowly nods his head. He looks absolutely traumatized. I feel so terrible, upset and hurt. I get up and caress his chin. "Rugger is going to be okay." I hope.

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