Chapter 5

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Damon's POV

I exhale and a fog of smoke leaves my mouth. I'm not planning to get too wasted tonight. I don't feel like doing anything really, but just sit here and get high off of everything at the moment.

I just feel...messed up doing that to Mia. That's the thing. I never think twice of my actions but when it comes to Mia, it's different. I care too much about her. She's been so calm with me and I've been a fucking asshole. I cant get her off my mind till that day.

"You good?" Austin slumps on the seat across from me with a drink in his hand.

I nod and put the cigarette back into my mouth.

"My legs are killing me," Maddie whines as she has her hands draped across Xavier's neck. He quickly picks maddie up as she shrieks and laughs.

Xavier winks at Joe making him jealous. Joe looks away and plays with his hand nervously or anxiously? Xavier carries Maddie and disappears around the corner where the bathroom is.

"What a fuck face," Austin says about Xavier and drinks out of his cup.

"Damon..hi," Emma says, walking towards me as she sits on my lap unexpectedly. Joe and Austin return glances as they raise their brows at me.

"What's with the long face?" She smiles as she caresses my cheek. I slightly move my face away from her hand.

"About the other night..i didn't expect you to give me anything in return, I promise you that. I just hope we can move on from this...and maybe carry on what we had," she bites her bottom lip. I look away from her and continue to smoke my cigarette. I don't want to talk—to anyone. I can feel my body relaxing and eyes veining red.

"Sorry to break up the moment," Zoe rolls her eyes at Emma and I, "but have you guys seen Maddie?"

"She's on hold," Austin snickers with Joe.

"What?" Zoe turns on her heel to face Austin and Joe.

"She's getting plugged," Austin motions his lower part inward and out. Joe lets out a laugh.

"Whatever," Zoe takes a seat with Loni. In the corner of my eye, I can tell Zoe is giving me death stares but I don't budge to look at her. It's getting to the point where it's bothering me. What's her problem?

"Oh my god, Zoe right?" I hear a familiar voice. When I see who it is. It's Dias, with a guy wearing flared pants. What is Dias doing here?

"Have we met?" Zoe raises a brow at her.

"Oh silly, re think that," she uses a British accent? She's probably drank too much. She always does.

Zoe laughs nervously, "your..Mia's friend? Where is she, did she come? She hasn't answered my calls,"

"She's been really really busy. She's such a hardworking person," Dias sits down and introduces the guy. "This is Edward, very good friends with Mia as well," Dias makes room for "Edward" to sit.

"Hi," Edward says but no one says anything. They all just stare at him confused, since he looks like a bookworm in a club. It doesn't make sense.

"I'll be back, I need to go to the restroom," Dias leaves.

"So Edward, you go to NYU?" Austin asks.

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