Chapter 25

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Damon's POV

"Close your eyes," Cory says, closing his as well.

Is he fucking kidding me?

"Close your eyes Damon," he presses, keeping his eyes shut

I huff and close my eyes, laying my head back on the couch.

"Breathe in..." he sucks in air through his nostrils.

I peak my eyes open. Cory looks like a fucking idiot right now, that I want to laugh.

"Breathe out..." he breathes out through his mouth.

Instead of obliging I pull out the cigarette in my pocket.

"I want to hear you-" he opens his eyes..."Damon," he grabs the cigarette out of my mouth.

"Nice try kid." He gets up off of his chair and throws the cigarette out, "you got to tame yourself when smoking these, too much isn't healthy for your lungs."

I need it. My body is craving it, after what happened a couple of nights ago I can't help myself. I cant believe I fucking hurt her. I felt like complete shit. Im shit. I want to knock Kyle's fucking teeth out.

"What's on your mind Damon?"


"What are you thinking about?"

I pause, "Mia,"

"Who's Mia? Is she your girlfriend?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." I really don't.

"Maybe another time." He half smiles. "Have you ever heard of the MMPI test?"


"MMPI stands for Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. It's an assessment of adult psychopathology used by clinicians to provide diagnosis of mental disorders and helps us figure what appropriate selection of treatment we can help you with. I am going to take you to a psychiatrist next session and you're going to do this test. This test will also be in your file-"

"I don't have the money for the test."

"Don't worry about the money kid—Anyways speaking of files, it says you've been arrested.."

I shrug.

"Have you been arrested?"

"It fucking says it in the file." I'm annoyed.

"I wanted to hear it from you—now have you been arrested?"

"Y-yeah." I swallow.

"For what?"

"Can't remember," i mumble and look away from him.

"Damon don't mumble,"

"I don't remember all of it," I raise my voice. I do remember, I just don't like talking about it.

"Well let me read what the file says..." he puts his glasses on and looks down at the file. "possession of intent to distribute, vandalism, theft," he looks at me then continues, "assault and battery, assault with deadly weapon, assaulting an officer, disturbing the peace, and a you want me to keep going?"


"Do you remember now?"

I look at him, my face straight.

"Good. Now have you left that in the past?"

"I hope so."

"Do you want a job Damon, or do you want to steal money for the rest of your life?"

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