Something each personality type hates to do

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INFJs are certainly a unique collection of people, and because of this they do have a long list of things that get on their nerves. INFJs absolutely hate being forced into a loud situation, or being made to participate in a large crowd event. INFJs prefer quiet interactions, where they can actually get to know people and communicate with others. If they have to endure loud noises and abrasive people for too long, they will become exhausted. INFJs also despise having to be forced into participating in small talk, there are little things more tiresome to them than this. They would much rather have real and meaningful conversation, small talk is possible one of the worst things for the INFJ. Having to be around fake or insincere people, is also something that INFJs hate.


ENFJs are very people focused, which often means that the things they despise are connected to the actions of others. ENFJs are constantly working hard to please their loved ones, so something they hate more than anything is being forced to be around people they do not trust. If the ENFJ has to spend time with disloyal people, it can truly exhaust them quickly. They only want to be around sincere and caring individuals- and hate wasting their time without people who do not fit this description. ENFJs simply despise betrayal, and will become very upset if their friends will not believe them when they explain that someone is not a good person. If they have to pretend at all, the ENFJ will be very unhappy.


INFPs truly hate being forced into social situations, especially with loud or insincere people. If the INFP has to encounter individuals who they believe are attention hogs, it becomes extremely exhausting for them. There are few things worse for an INFP than being forced into a job or career that they deem pointless or heartless. INFPs want to be doing something more valuable and meaningful with their time, and will quickly become frustrated and unhappy. There is really noting that the INFP hates more than being forced into a lifestyle that is not their own choice or design. Sincerity is so important to the INFP, and living a life that doesn’t follow this will truly make them miserable.


ENFPs truly hate having to perform monotonous tasks, the same thing over and over to them is just misery. ENFPs wants to work in a job that inspires them, and makes them feel truly accomplished. They enjoy doing things that showcase their natural skills, and might even impress others. If they have to work in a factory line, or sit at a desk all day- the ENFP will hate this very much. ENFPs hate being stifled as well, and if they are not allowed to feel free to explore new possibilities, they will become rather unhappy.


INTJs truly hate having to perform certain required tasks, such as going to the DMV. If they feel like inefficiency is wasting their time, they will become very frustrated. They understand that these things have to be done, but they often can think of a million ways to improve upon the situation. INTJs often hate having to follow certain social constructs, like gift giving or receiving. They might find these ideas meaningless, and would much rather come up with helpful ways to show appreciation. INTJs want things to be done in a well thought out way, but having to participate in something that seems pointless and lazy- that is truly going to be something that the INTJ hates. They can also become angry if they have to work in a group, and are forced to do this.


There is nothing ENTJs hate more than laziness and inefficiency. If the ENTJ is forced to participate in something that is not put together well, they will certainly despise this. They might attempt to take charge, but if that is not possible they will find themselves very frustrated. Having to be fake in a situation in order to get something done, is certainly something that the ENTJ hates immensely. They believe in getting things done, so they ENTJ will bite their tongue if they must- but oftentimes this leaves them feeling very angry and frustrated.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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